Wednesday 13 April 2011

God surprises us

This is part 4 of "Journey to Tauranga" Thanks!

I heard God say, "these are waiting spots for you" - I can't put words to what God has done. Even if i were to tell the whole story it would somehow appear garbled. I have seen friends, I have embraced my family, I have cried out to God because He is worthy, I have been provided for by God Himself. My soul longs for Him. To know Jesus is to know life. My reward in life depends on nothing. I want to gaze upon His beauty and ask Him questions. And He will answer me. surprise me. Answer my prayers like they're His prayers. It's because they are His prayers. My soul longs for Him. My heart is running rampant after Him. I am lovesick. Yes I am now in Tauranga. I am in a place I've never been before. Yes, i've never been to this house before in my life. I didn't plan on coming here, it was provided for me. And the family, the friends, EVERYONE! I have a room that I'm staying in, and I'm going to have dinner and lunch here. And It's only 5 minutes away from the Church. My heart is burning inside of me. God listens to my prayers? He answers my prayers? I had no idea this was happening. I prayed for it to happen. Just like yesterday, when I was waiting for a ride to Tauranga. God was surprising me and saying - I see you there and I can answer your prayers directly. And so I prayed with confidence. What confidence! If I provides a person who is on the road to faith bible college which was my prayer. What confidence! (it is actually to encounter His emotions) - My heart is lovesick. I want to be whole-hearted for God, abandoned

While waiting at just outside Phil and Sandy's house (in Rotorua) I was picked up by an Indian named Happy who believes in God. We spent twenty minutes just talking and encouraging and sharing testimonies. My God is with me wherever I am. - even when I'm bad and disobedient. He loves me that means He will put me through stuff to take my strength away, because in my weakness He can use me (he can use me? wow!)

So Grant was being "sensitive to the Holy Spirit" while driving down Welcome bay road. He saw me and the Holy Spirit said "I want you to pick him up" He pulled to the side of the road and let me in. I said "I need to goto Faith" - but I didn't know what to say, I knew that God was doing something, so I just said "God is doing something, I want to do what God is doing" I knew that he was providing something. what did He provide! Only exactly what I want, which is that love would overflow, and I would be filled with exuberant joy! No one can take this joy from me! This is joy from the Holy Spirit. That I can share with people.

His council! His wisdom! His providence! His guidance! His freedom! because I commit everything to Him, I do not live half-heartedly for Him. When I receive something to give it away.

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