Thursday 24 February 2011

Let the Winds Blow

What confidence I have by simply hearing from his voice! I could potentially say -ANYTHING- to anyone and it doesn't matter. Because I have heard His voice! And I know that I've heard from Him. And if it's from Him, it will come to pass. There are no indicators on God's judgments. He just says "Here they come!" and then they come. No one can have such certainty. If I've heard from Him, it's going to happen. Let the winds blow! I have heard from God! He shares all sorts of things to me, whatever I ask for He shares with me. I will learn about nations, governments, churches, the bride, the local cities, ekklesia, our base in Oxford, ANYTHING! Because there are no indicators on what God says, there are no indicators on my behavior either, this is freedom! As a prophet of God I have to hear from Him and the joy and supreme pleasure of my heart comes from Hearing His Voice. If I never share what I have, the joy remains mine. I'll come and go as I please, and then I'll come back and at the perfect and precise time I will speak a word and it will happen to be the very thing that needs to be said. But I treasure His words, the words He speaks to me, and they are more precious than gold!

In the past I thought, who can know the mind of God? In all it's intricacies, but I do, i do know the mind of God, and at the instant that He speaks, He is sharing from His heart, and I hear His heart beat. God shares EVERYTHING of Himself, His government, his wisdom, his intellect, his LOVE and this EVERYTHING is what I receive, there is nothing that He withholds from me! This makes me say let you bring anything my way, take me through the fire, the rain, the testing, try me, prove me refine me like the gold. I don't even need to share the words! This is just the overflow.

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