Friday 14 January 2011

Praying with a burden from God's heart

Praying for a country without a burden is like showing up to work without a brief case. It doesn't work. If you offend some people then that's alright, the world is at stake here. We can't expect to genuinely pray without offending some people. to pray with a burden means that you are emotionally involved with that country. However I want to take it from a different angle.

I'm burdened with this at this very moment, so It must be important I'm going to allow it to take its course. Imagine this one little man in the corner of the world speaking up with a loud megaphone from the highest point of the highest building he can find. Actually he's shouting from this megaphone. "Listen up!" He says. to the onlookers on the ground the sound comes across muffled. They ask "What is he saying? What is he doing up there?" There's mixed opinions going around, some say "he's saying this message" others say "he's saying another message" still others say "He's out of his mind! What is he doing on the top of the highest building in the city?" Some will take offense at Him they'll take up placards themselves and say "This man is doing silly things! and we are offended" (maybe they can hear what is being said?) But the man continues to cry out with His loud megaphone shouting from the top of His lungs. His audience is with one, and he doesn't need the megaphone to get attention from Him. The megaphone is for the sake of the people that would hear. It's for you! This is for you! He can't get enough volume, He wants the world to know what He is saying to the only one who doesn't need approval. But the guy keeps on saying what he's saying (not trying to get audience, it's for the sake of those down on the grounds)

We don't go in prayer meetings praying for countries. We don't huddle around each other and have prayer meetings for the sake that "we could be heard" we don't need more than ourselves to change the environment around us. This is why a burden from the heart of God is so important! Let this move you! what is a burden, it's some response to critical pressures.

I'm going to now give a brief history of my dealings with burdens. I used to have an addiction to dinosaurs, knew all about them, studied them, had models of dinosaurs, went to dinosaur museums, read books, was fascinated, enthralled and captivated by dinosaurs, if anyone ever asked me about them, I would tell them all about them, I had a program which i put all my information in and could ask questions like "Does this dinosaur have a long tail?" (i interchange the word addiction and burden) Is it about me? I never once thought of my self when I was thinking about dinosaurs. I found out their history, i found out when they existed on the earth, what families they were apart of.

I remember saying to my parents a few weeks ago "I've always had an interest in keyboards and pianos" When I took lessons I had to play a whole lot of music! the fascinating thing is that I never really bought tapes, CDs anything like that and didn't know anything about music, but if you asked me to play the piano I would jump right on and start playing anything that was interesting to me at the time.

Now these are two natural burdens I had. (I still don't fully know why I'm sharing this) God's burden works in a different way. Sure the time I spent playing keyboard I learnt all sorts of songs that I didn't agree with, but it went with the practice. The burden of God is indecipherable, which means there are no words for it. It isn't expressed in the outward but it is expressed inwardly. Do I know why I'm sharing this? I have an idea but my understanding is limited and by nature is transient, i'm trying to get a hold of something which is unlimited and eternal there are going to be complications! But the same type exists for God's burden - fascination, no boredom, no lack of interest, share with everyone that I know, captivation, enthrallment, large amounts of time, no hesitation. People say "I got a burden from the LORD" and this is true! However the scope doesn't end there. You don't have to be a seasoned veteran to receive burdens. And it's nothing to do with your desire either. (in a way it does) the scope ends with the glory of God. And this is what I want to share with everyone! I am speaking to myself alot as well.

Sometimes I will just sit down and ask the Lord "What do you want me to say?" I'm only mentioning this in the hopes any passers by to this page will read it and they will be inspired into something that they never thought of. Inspiration can come from anywhere really.

When you understand that you are the thing God wants to take a hold of, then it means that when He breaks out it's somewhat natural, because you're already asking Him for it, which is prophecy working. You don't always do the things that you want when you agree with Him for a burden (and it is agreement he doesn't force it on you) cry out for a burden! It really is wonderful! I'll finish with what I am wanting. I am wanting many to be taken up by a whirlwind of activity (Holy Spirit originated) that totally distracts your days, your weeks, your moments, your nights, with thoughts of the man Christ Jesus. He is the most glorious man you will ever meet! Yes, He is a man! I want to know Him! And not to cry out when things begin to change. the change first begins on the inside. Why do I say that? I am already taken.

the one little man is crying out "I love You!"

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