On the 19th of November, 2011 something amazing happened which you need to know about! A part of me is totally bewildered that I haven't told anyone. It's a good thing God has given me a good memory.
My good friend, Justin, being in Tauranga, was the reason that I was there. However I had no idea how to get over to my good friend (He was staying at the Faith Bible College Site) I did know, however, that some people at my flat (in Bethlehem) were on there way somewhere in the afternoon, So I asked them, "Would it be possible to get a ride with you over to Faith Bible College?" Lo, and behold! That was where they were going!
My friends are an outreach team from the Townsville YWAM base in Australia who stayed at the "Ministry House" for the Impact World Tour while their outreach teams were away overseas - there happened to be a room left for me, so I was able to get a room.
Another reason that I was being there was also because God has been putting on my heart a flame for the Gospel, and in particular Israel.
So while riding in the car, not knowing my friends, I decided to find out about them, and ask about where we were going!?!?!?! That was when they mentioned the Principles of Redeeming Cultures school. I cannot explain what this caused in me. You see I had been wanting to see my friend Justin. To get to Tauranga, God really impressed on my heart, to believe Him at His word, and stand firm on His word. For me to hear that we were going to visit Justin, without even knowing where we were going, it was too much for me!
So we made our way to the Faith Bible College place. The thing that had happened in the car, also happened when we came to Faith Bible College, because we were planning on meeting them at the Welcome Bay Baptist Church, when they said we would be going to the College, it made me more excited to see Justin! If this hadn't happened, I would never have arrived just as my friends from Faith Bible College were graduating. ALL OF THEM! You see, I was travelling with God during the time away from YWAM Oxford - I stayed at Faith Bible College while travelling. So it had been roughly 1 and a half years since I had seen my friends. Hello Khan, Veronica, Jason, Joshua, Lana, Ben, Hayden, Jarrod, Jayde, Sam and Rhys!
It just happened to be the day that they were graduating!
FBC is a very anointed place, so it didn't surprise me that I was talking with someone I had never met before in the carpark. They suggested I write a small book of Testimonies of God's Provision to hand out to anyone that I was led to. So this is what I'm doing here.
In the morning, on Sunday, I went along to WBB - Where Ray and His Team were taking the worship time at the service - I knew I was in the right place. God had recently enabled me to goto Israel, purchasing the Airticket, ground fees (for the tours) and spending money. When I heard that they needed money for their course I was inspired to pray and support them. I've found that when God says "to pray" for someone, He also wants you to "support them" this is just how it happened. I told them how I had been led to travel to Tauranga, and only having enough money for getting their and coming back - as for the staying, I didn't actually have the support I needed. So i was in a similar position as them. It seemed right to me, to spend my time with them, because God was knitting us together - and I enjoy that, I'm sure they do as well!
I happened to be in the service, as one of the Youth was leaving to go back Home. During the service I had been impressed to talk with this lad and share with Him. Though I hadn't had the chance to yet, once I finished talking with my dear couple from Brazil (?) I saw Him and shared with Him the story of how I was able to get upto Tauranga in a day (travelling on the ferries!) - by hearing God's voice. I told Him how the thing I wanted most in life was to Hear His voice and to trust Him. Then I encouraged Him to believe in God when He came back home. He left very encouraged!
On the Friday, I had been prayed out just before I left, and received some really amazing words of God's provision - related to meeting Israeli's and sharing God's heart with whomever I found myself with. The justice school had taking up an offering and gave it to me. It was in an envelope. When I got to the ferry crossing, I needed to pay by cash, because we didn't have enough time to go into the ferry terminal - I looked inside the envelope, and found just enough money to pay for my ticket! What a blessing!
While I was in Tauranga, God was really impressing upon me, this idea of "being whole hearted" - God made no mistakes in what he's made - He is whole-hearted. He's calling me to be like Him - to be whole-hearted. Just like a gardener, who tends the garden, makes sure the trees will grow, and to uproot weeds, So God is with His creation, even if sin and pollution have come into the world, He's made His Garden beautiful. So why should I see myself any other way, whole-hearted. He doesn't want me to think about the way people see the world - but if I am whole-hearted. I have to also make my decisions based off a whole-heart. I didn't have any money to pay for the accomodation I had at Tauranga. My decision was "God has told me to be here, and so he's going to provide" so I can honour my fellow flat mates while I am here. He actually provided enough for me to get weet bix, pomegranates, toast and all the normal things. What a God! But I still didn't have any for my actual staying.
I shared with my "landlords" what my plan was - God was going to provide. While at the ministry house, I had the blessing of having lunch and tea provided for me - eating with a family from America. Seeing it was Thanksgiving that week (in America) we actually had a rather large group come round for Thanksgiving, I didn't have much to be thankful for, except God's heart. I sent a text off to my friend -
"Pray that this message which he's forging im me is brought out regarding Israel and being sent as a missionary for Jesus"
Yeah that's right - "im me"
This is one of those priceless moments I cannot put into words. I was sitting at a table of thanksgiving and God knows me.
This whole experience wrapped me in a bubble - I wanted to go out and give my support raising!
The day came while I was in my bedroom, and in faith I was saying "I am going to say the most important thing is not the money, but that God sees my whole-heart" I came to the House of Prayer and while there, was really led - during the prayer time - they were praying for finances. To approach my friend Adam, and say I believe God has asked you to support me in my need.
I suppose it was also special being in Tauranga for another reason. During one of the prayer times, they were praying for a setting up of an Antioch (Acts 13:2) in Tauranga - the place that burning and shining lamps would be raised up from. As they prayed, so I was being sent out - from the very place that they were asking. Very hard to capture the sensation of this moment.
I was supposed to be there. What would have happened had I not showed up? The next day something like firebolts piereced my mind and God gave me clarity for understanding a dream that he had given me 9 years before. Actually this happened as I was recalling how God was calling me to burn for Him, in my heart, and How this has to be the primary mandate for why He has called me - to burn.
Before the whole week at Tauranga ended, I was able to speak with my friend Dalton. Thank you for having such clarity to ask questions that really matter! Now, we had gathered outside an ATM with my friend Adam, but the ATM did not work! How infuriating that must be. But by now I was sold out for that special glory which God has given to us - to GO! If I was to stay, It would not be profitable for me, I must GO! this drive and excitement is with me to the end of the Age - It is Jesus Himself. Matthew 28:19 "Therefore, GO! and make disciples of all nations - Baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them all that I have commanded You. And Lo, I will be with You, even to the end of the age" Of course it's talking about Him being in us by His Spirit, and When He comes again what is secret and on the inside will transform us in a moment, when we see Him.
I would go even if I had no money, God is going to provide.
But I do not want to end there - I want to end on the sure word of the LORD. It is His Word - after all. Is His word purified in a furnace 7 times? I know it. It makes me quiver to think - what would I have if I did not have His word - this must be from the Holy Spirit, to be totally dependant on the word - to not have a thought outside of it.