Let me share with you what has happened in the last few weeks, which has a very exciting fulfillment in reflecting/contemplating on a day a year ago.
When I came back from Whangarei earlier this year, God opened up the opportunity to speak to a congregation regularly, preparing a short sermon to share each week. Well my friend Steve once asked me "What if no one shows up?" to which I replied "but God has opened the opportunity to up" that is enough.
So while thinking about what it was to prepare, a desperate need came to me, that I ought to be giving living waters to those who would listen - coming from maturity and knowledge of God's word. This theme "Living Waters" I did not know much about. But while contemplating today, I was gripped by the need to share about how whole-hearted abandonment and Sonship, through the prayers and reflections I wrote last year, needed to be the reason I was writing today. As a result, God has opened up wide a spring of water which I am aiming to draw from and give to you. Well here goes
You will know that when you talk to a child, and listen to them, about anything, they will be excited about sharing what they have. Just ask them about icecream, dancing, growing flowers and playing video games.
Did you know that God feels the same way, He wants us to be excited. Now I know that excitement has eluded us. God's excitement comes from us. In fact, I have to be honest with you, I have a far bigger addiction to God than any of you have for anything in life. My only desire in life is to be filled with still greater dreams and visions, my biggest dream is to have the biggest dream in the world. I want to be so filled with the consciousness of God's presence that no matter where I am, walking down to the fish and chip shop (it has happened just last week actually!) or talking in front of you, my heart is excited and fascinated.
But we do things that really grieve God. It is because His heart is far more sensitive than ours. Do you know what grieves God? it is when we steal, murder, lie, want what some one else has.
But this is why Jesus came, because He demonstrates perfectly who the Father is - that is who God is - he created us, we are his children. The secret to being in His presence is doing what pleases Him (Ephesians 5:10) This means, the attitude of a Son to His Father. As it is written: "Honor your Father and your Mother" (Ephesians 6:1-4) also "I always do those things that please Him" (John 8:29) In other words, the Father is the only one that Jesus thinks about because He is totally consumed with the Father's delight in Him. Yoke yourself to Jesus today and find out what pleases God the Father.
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