Thursday, 10 May 2012


I heard it said once, "I will frustrate the wisdom of the wise, I will frustrate the intelligence of the intelligent"
So, here goes.

All debts are cancelled
All sicknesses are healed
All slavery is redeemed
All darkness flees
and Holy Passion
calling and vision
I believe that the lamb of God was slain for the sin of the world
I believe that his wounds heal my diseases
his cries were intercession
I believe that when I was broken he paid my ransom
That as he dies I am now alive
That whom the Son sets free, is free indeed
all have become crucified
And he is worth it all
giving my love for a love that gives all is my reward
I also know that God is doing something. Don't say "God has done it"
I also know that God has done it, don't say "God is in the process of doing something" (as if it wasn't finished!)
I believe that you have to have faith to receive these things
That the faith of a little child is eager to respond.
That if you believe it, you have it, and not because you claimed it
Come all you sinners, come you broken hearted
Come you lost and sick and hardpressed into the place of life
into the heart of the Father's love, into the ravished heart of the Son of God
and you will have something that cannot be taken from you
You will be possessors of the abundant life
and joy in the measure that you have been given to understand,
He is not pointing a stick at you
He is not waving condemnation over your head
His heart is JUBILEE!
and enter into the JOY of knowing Him more, he wants you to,
He desires you, he empowers you to believe, to be confident and
settle for nothing less than what you deserve. Abundant life, through His mercy and grace being your Father. 

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