Monday, 14 May 2012

God looks at your Heart

I have for a long time looked to others for my approval for what I do. Let me put it in another way, the Lord wants me to use the talents that I have, because I am the only one created to display this facet of His creativity and his glory. Would you act like someone else if you knew that God created you uniquely, from his heart, before creation, knit together in your mothers womb, created perfectly, flawless, with all the "imperfections" of life and circumstance. I cannot even call them imperfections. If I get myself rooted in the identity that God has given to me, who cares what anyone else thinks, my Father says that I am beautiful.

That is right, the identity that God has given to me. What I fail to mention is possibly the greatest love ever known to man. He himself came down and wrestled humanity from the number one pandemic - sin - which gave us minds that never looked outside of our boxes.  The issue is not with being a fallen creation, it is that we have not grasped God's glory. He himself did the very thing that we couldn't. And now if I believe (simply) we have been restored, to everything that is God's intention. The cure is a bleeding lamb - a man, perfect offering for sin, I can no longer look at him without bleeding. Why is this? because when He exposed Himself, was crushed, beaten, bruised, slain, the world looking on with contempt and cruelty, He chose it, and this puts my value in God's eyes through the roof - not that I changed his mind about it, or did I?

My hope in speaking like this is, my heart is crying out for a Father's approval, who tells me who I am, that actually reminds me of the great love of Jesus, and inspires me in my heart to love Him. If I told you that He is looking at your heart, would that mean everything? Wasn't it God's intention that through the cross, Jesus Christ would become everything? So then cry out for whole-heartedness, and abandon yourself and you'll receive it. Join the applause of Heaven which says "The Lamb has overcome!" and be part of a movement that shakes the world

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