From Jonathan Edwards unpublished essay on the Trinity:
If a man could have an absolutely perfect idea of all that passed in his mind, all the series of ideas
and exercises in every respect perfect as to order, degree, circumstance and for any particular space of time past, suppose the last hour, he would really to all intents and purpose be over again what he was that last hour. And if it were possible for a man by reflection perfectly to contemplate all that is
in his own mind in an hour, as it is and at the same time that it is there in its first and direct
existence; if a man, that is, had a perfect reflex or contemplative idea of every thought at the same
moment or moments that that thought was and of every exercise at and during the same time that
that exercise was, and so through a whole hour, a man would really be two during that time, he
would be indeed double, he would be twice at once. The idea he has of himself would be himself
There is just one thing that I want on this earth, that is humility.
There is more at our disposal than you can possibly imagine, what you can't see, and is vast and expansive, immeasurable riches available to us. And the Spirit which made all things lives inside of us. What you can see is not as real as what you cannot see. We have so little because our view of God is based on nature, but if we did not have judgments of God then we would ask Him to open our eyes and to give us the beauty of Himself which is more valuable than anything that we can possibly imagine. Welcome to the first day of your life.
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