Sunday 12 April 2015

Missions Update: Expressions of Counting the Cost

I've been speculating about what I should say or do, and I've decided to give a short update of what has been taking place for me. Hope this blesses your heart, and that you should continue to abide in my heart where I am today. 

"Do you know me?" He said.
He is speaking hard hitting questions today.
Though I know Him, this is a forceful thing to say, pointing at the joy and crown of fellowship with Him. If not, I ought to go packing. Is it wise of me to act such, that when people say "How are you?" to give a carefully thought out response? It is the same careful consideration that at times comes out of me through insightful questions. I owe my allegiance to you to this vast reckoning of faith.

That is why I endeavour to be whole-hearted before Him, and not be just another face, that is why such a question demands me think about. To count the cost. to inquire, to perceive, to be ready, and not to act like another.

He said me to today "I show no favoritism" it is before all mens' hearts that He comes. You alone have chosen me, and that choice is now in my heart. Indeed, that joy of mine is fulfilled because I have heard your voice, attributed to you the joy and crown of pursuing you, knowing that the yearning in my heart comes from extravagance of love that is worth it all. This is why the desire to be steadfast, to be confident, it arises from my heart for no one else, and bids me to come into this banquet, full of food, and lovely beyond measure.

Someone said to me what they were journeying through this season. It was a rhema word to come. I hope to share it finally, though it was complete last week, it comes through even clearer today. How necessary hope is in life, and how needful it is then that we are stoked by the fires of his compassion at all times! of his mercy, and his love, his faithfulness and kindness so that we should hope in Him. Indeed, the heart that does not have hope is reflected only in many avenues devoid of love, so that we should be rejected, that we should be as orphans. So that hope should well up in us is a reflection of the beauty heart of God, of his face, of the necessity then is the heart and face to be radiant, and every heart to be unashamed by Him, in his words, his actions, his pleasure and His choosing and love. This then is the hope that characterizes our life, knowing that God reckons justice to be more needful than we realise. That he reckons his judgment to be just and all held guilty before Him. how needful then is it that God intervene! That he come through. Just some thoughts to think upon. Break out in hope, break out in rejoicing and delight! gladness.

Unrelenting, deep and quantifiable expressions of joy.

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