Sunday 29 June 2014


Here in I seek to bring understanding and clarity to Ramadan as a Christian. People from many different countries will be conducting prayer in response to what is going on in the Muslim World today. We need to be free of our own ideas of what is important during this time, and seek God's heart as regards these precious people (they are after all descended from Abraham, our Father) I sought to provide an opportunity for my own family to think about Ramadan, not just because I am stirred to pray, but also to make it possible for those closest to me to follow in Jesus footsteps. I believe it would be something of a stirring on His heart, given that much of the world is opposed to Him as Son of God (and none more than devout followers of Muhammed)

We in the west live in a world that indulges in hero worship, commits sexual immorality because it's in their power to do so, and I'm convinced, are also idolaters at heart. What else can we do? I mean, it's not like we have the dedication that Muslims have, or the Jesus followers in China, or the persecution that most Christians experience in Northern Africa and the Middle East. We are left with our complacent attitudes and broken cisterns. I was much the same way for much of my life, being passionate about God, but never really getting to know Him. It wasn't until the blinders were taken off my eyes and I heard about His love for me, that giving my life to Him seemed to be the best thing to do.

So, what's there to say. I would say that praying during Ramadan, just like Muslims, will take endurance. It will be so because we've never done it before. Once those things become muscle memory we will not have to think twice about it. But sometimes storms come our way and there's a comfortable thing to do which is to leave the battle for others. It's to forsake discipline and determination in pursuit of making things easier on us. This happened for me when I came to Hospital. though I started well enough, for the longest time I could not even pick up a bible, or pray. Upon reflecting about this, I later found out that I had treasured things against God, that were related to how this could happen to me, and what was my response? simply my response was to say Yes to Him. it was from this place that I begin to see scripture in a new light, seeing Jesus as the way and the Father as the source. In a sentence, I began to pray again, because it was enjoyable. Matt 26 says that Jesus spoke to His disciples saying "You could not keep watch and pray with me for an hour? The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak"

That's good advice for us who can't even pray with Him one hour.

What am I meaning because of all of this? I'm learning more and more that redundant and boring prayer is not going to stir God's heart either. I'm sure He answers those prayers too, but if the disciples had anything to learn from Jesus, it was that they were partnering in with Him. that always has to be my motivation in prayer. What have I learnt from my experience of prayer? I've learnt not to entertain grudges between people. I've learnt to believe and hope in the fulfilment of those promises that He's given. I've learnt to corporately pray and seek God and allowing Him to do what must be done. I've learnt that you can be in the place of prayer for 2 years, and see nothing happen, (and for those sceptics; it is a step up now than it was; i'm only beginning to experience what He was sharing with me back then) and then when things are going poorly, those very things become your experience and you are thrust back into the original spirit of that prayer that you prayed back then. Like having encounters where "God knew what I was thinking!" and it all being worth it, from first to last. There's no regrets when you are walking with Yahweh through your life. It can appear that He's taken His hand off your life for a season (heaven forbid it would be longer!) but in that time, He was right to have allowed you to come to grief, to come into greater experience and understanding of His ways.

The point in all of this is to stir you to pray. Pray because you agree with God's heart of what he's doing with muslims. Pray for the breaking of strongholds and see the identity and culture of the Kingdom of Heaven being divested to the tribes of the earth (most unreached people groups are muslim. they make up most of the unreached world these days) i'm glad I made that last point. It's a lie and a delusion to believe that God will not raise up hearts that are burning on fire for Ishmael's Sons (and indeed Esau) he will cause them to goto the nations where they are. Why? because there's no gospel witness. why? because if you will not go then you will be accountable to God who said "the gospel of the kingdom will be preached to all nations [ethnic groups] and then the end shall come" (Matt 24:14) Why? because God wants them to be a culture that give their hearts to Him because He fashioned them and gave them life.

Consider Turkey. of a population of 80 million, there are just over 10000 believers. that's not even 0.01% of the population. Or Saudi Arabia, or Yemen, UAE, Iran, Iraq or Nigeria. all these countries are on the heart of God at this time. Why stop there? He desires them just as He desires you.

I could go on, but I'm bursting to get this out! My friends, I would not see prayer as a service, or even as a duty, but as enjoyment. I get to find out God's heart. It will always be that those motivated by service or indeed greed will not pray as the one that loves will. Why is that? it is because at the moment that they come to God, it will be reliant on Him doing something - or where is my faith? but when talking about the ones who loves, we find no law at work. Such a man is free to do whatever He wants, and because He counts prayer as being much more precious, the world will not turn to tomorrow until this one prays. It will be in that moment that God sees the heart of Him who prays and says "that one is righteous" that one is my joy to become, and if I do not pray, I will know that God will remind me. that is the best sort of prayer, which truly comes out of love. What shall I do? shall I do as I want and pray for Ishmael? that is indeed perplexing because it comes to the heart of me. 

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