Saturday 21 June 2014


I'm being stirred today, and I want you to know what that means. Just a thought that I had today regarding what I want to be remembered for when I die. Isn't it funny what pops into your mind some days.

Firstly, that the coming war is not going to be fought over territorial lines, or economies, or slavery, but over families. Also, that if we need anything in this age it's grace. Amazing grace, JOY that graciously gives up the goods that we possess for more real ones. Justice that flows like a river, that feels good about partnering deeply with what is on God's heart. defined by a new kind of culture and pressing need. that can laugh at the shams and the counterfeits. That can say with the rest "we are needing reality and that means believing in miracles"

I'm reminded of the day, May 2nd, 2011, when I gave myself to Jesus to beautify and give me the set of values that are queenly

Also the day that I made a commitment to protect and love my Jewish Friends

What does this mean? how does this all fit together? it just shows how inadequate I am to bridge the gap between my current circumstance and what He has plainly put before me. If I have learned anything, it's that out of desperation come the greatest affirmations of faith, and no one is quite so ready to proclaim the gospel as they do not value the pearl.

It's just to show that God has not forgotten me, and indeed, His mercy is splendidly enough for me - such that I'm not a hypocrite when I try to attain to what He's placed before me, because He alone sees my heart.

the truth is, the more I grow closer to my death, the more am I ready to live with just one thing as my purpose in life. Better to have the riches of God's mercy, in giving colour to life, than to go on living without any frame of mind that such a possibility exists. As far as I am dependent on God that is proof that he hasn't finished with me yet.

And how shall I answer in the day that He speaks for me? May it be a worthy response to God in my life. Some friends are paving the way for such great things to happen in the earth today that I can only, at this stage, give my approval in. It's possible that we will all be swallowed up by what God is doing, but not at the expense of ourselves. It will be to those that love much and know God that do great exploits.

Does that mean, then, that the day is coming when "the virgins will wait outside, waiting for the Bridegroom"? it strikes me that there is only one point to this parable. It's that loving God is worth it. Such a person that looks for the pizazz and the exuberance, without knowing the way to enter into the deep and real, will be left outside, but those that have spent time loving Him and found the worth of it, will be let in. They will go into the chambers that reveal greater things.

It's funny how that was what God had been sharing with me, saying "I want you to be anointed so that I could baptize you with my love" - not knowing how this was going to happen, but putting my hand up.

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