Sunday 5 February 2012

God works out all things for good

I feel like I need to wait a while to see how this unfolds, but right now I have the peace that makes me think about how fortunate I am to know God. I am patient and still, not thinking about anything but God. So I can start sharing what has been happening without fear.

I've been so excited to share this, without anything even happened yet, that's how profoundly real God's presence has been with me.

I must be filled with the Spirit. The experience left me thinking "I am loved, God has recognized me, I am seen and heard and appreciated" I was planning on heading to Tauranga with Steve, but we had just had a conversation that showed me I was going to be leaving for Tauranga - in the morning without him, God gave me the faith to move mountains. I am loved, God has seen, heard and acknowledged me. If anyone else says any differently, who cares? my trust is in something real and concrete. Not only did I know it, I felt like everyone needed to hear this good news - God is real! How secure am I? If I am whole-hearted and love Him, that is everything. He treasures my heart, he is with me everywhere! I've been contending in the Spirit more than I ever have before, and won some great victories, also made some blunders however the most important thing is being whole-heartedly abandoned to God. He shares me stuff that he has in His heart.

This is why when I came to my parents to tell them I'm not going back to Oxford, and I have a financial debt to pay off - even though I had not heard about it - I had a smile on my face. To be fair, I had heard about it - before december. But it came as a shock after the phone hung up (I'm just being honest) You see, God is really real to me, and the only thing that I think about is God, who I love incredibly. I suppose I could be angry, or even anxious about the change in circumstances but I am not. If I am put in a circumstance that makes God get the glory, then who am I to say "Why is this happening?" - This is just incredible. I should be thinking about it, I should be running off in 100 different directions, but I am not, and this is a mark of God on me. How do I even know what is going to happen tomorrow? I had made a vow to God, that I would say to the people who need to know "God has made it all for good" - in as much as I was able - but now God has done one better, I've been looking for a miracle now I've found it.

You see, I'm going to wait and be still about how God is going to provide financially, as well as confirm me to be a businessman in His Kingdom. I don't quite know how that's going to work out, but I guess I will let God decide that - His presence is my anchor. I totally know what it must be like to be going through turmoil - because I couldn't do it by myself I would be going off in 100 different directions. Whatever God wants to do in me, it's going to come by resting idly in His presence and focusing on the first and greatest commandment, and he is not unjust to reward me for everything that I do while I am here. This poses the question: "In what way does He relate to me? How do I experience the deep things of Jesus Christ?"

I know that it's God's peace because every day I keep on just wanting to sit idle and treasure God's presence more - it's the reason I'm alive - If God totally changes the whole year, the plans I have, then that is good - I am perfectly content with God doing such a thing. His presence is better than my plans. In closing, don't live for yesterday or tomorrow, or today, but live for God's presence. And if He asks you to give something up, don't be slow about it, he's got better things for you - Himself. I want to be an advocate for God's self-sufficiency. He totally satisfies me in every way

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