Thursday, 28 July 2011

Journey to Israel [Settled]

Before I start, I have to say. God gets all the credit for this. I was walking back home and realized I had wanted to start my journey to Israel posting about how it's challenging me and the excitement and all the rest. Now I'm here and It's being posted!

Precisely 2 weeks ago, you could have looked in my bank account and thought "this guy can't even take care of normal bills let alone making a journey to Israel" I didn't have enough money to get back on the bus to Oxford. While I think about it I realize, infact, I hadn't even been paid for the work that was given to me by God's provision - How he had lined up some work for me with Ron and Chris at a house north of Oxford - near Ashley Gorge. But I'm still settled, after all, it's not my life it's Gods.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Solitude and Community

I am actually borrowing this title from another. But that's what community is about, right? Let me, tell you, the concept of Christian Community is so freeing! I will be sharing a story of this, as well as Just let people know, I FIND READING THE BIBLE more enjoyable than going and playing Video Games. Anyone that is struggling, believe it! There really is greater pleasure in God than in anything that you can get from this world! Also, Jesus, you've done it, you've overcome, you've done it! I am free!

Snowfall in Christchurch

I'm coming to you, from a different perspective. Probably every man and His dog is talking about what I am an eye witness to (Greek: μαρτυρέω εἴδω)

Sunday, 24 July 2011

YWAM Update: Sorted, and stilled


Hello, Everyone!

The reason, that I'm calling this "Sorted, and stilled" is because I am in the final workings of booking a ticket to goto Jerusalem in a few days! As I write this, it is Sunday, the 24th of July, 2011 in the afternoon, sitting at my parents computer, (who knows where the next update will be coming from?)

This is a good opportunity, to reminisce on the things that are really important. I absolutely loved last night. There are photos here, of the night! I couldn't wait to get them up to show everyone! In fact, It's because of this night that everything has worked out. You see, I had a day to find a way to pay the plane ticket to Israel. But more of that later.

The night began with everyone arriving, with a potluck meal to share together. Because I'm doing a fast I was only able to eat limited food. I went up for thirds! When did that last happen? I can't remember! We still had much food left over afterwards, and most of it has gone back to YWAM to the delight of all our students (that's my guess) To begin with, I was nervous, anxious, and stressed, I let people know that If I didn't speak to them it wasn't because I didn't want to, it's just I have alot on my plate tonight. Where was God??? Haha. He was right there within us. For all the stress the night began with I have no idea how it worked out the way it did. Though I do know (i'm not suggesting I didn't know God was right there) But that's what happens when our minds are racing, and it's our hearts that He is looking at. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations saying "Help! Where is God!" But we know that He is there. It's a mystery. I invite you, yes, I encourage you to be a part of what God is doing. I just happen to be the one that is up here talking, the same could be said of you when you need support.

Peace! rest! I had some nerves while being a part of the night, but I handed over the next part of the evening to Colleen (from Rock Ha Shalom Ministries) and actually got ministered to. You could have fooled me! I thought I was the one -in charge- or better put, the one with the need. We learnt how to do the Grape vine, the Yemenite (sp?) plus what looked like a very good wedding dance. She is very good at teaching, everyone absolutely loved the dancing part.

Well, as I said earlier. I received an email from my travel agent - your ticket is booked. This was yesterday morning. I had a day to pay for the ticket. I prayed about it, because I want to obey God fully and felt I was supposed to entrust it to Him, and see how the night goes. I show up at the evening, and my thoughts are all on How to prepare the meal, talking with the dancers about the order of evening, and maybe even, "I don't know what to say" These have a way to creep up on you. In fact, no one would ever know I had to pay for the ticket before midnight. While the dance went on I was very calm, God made me enjoy what was happening (especially the dancing!) When the night ends, I get a txt from my travel agent, the internet isn't working! oh no! But this morning I got a txt that the whole business was sorted. Now I'm just waiting for our ticket to come through! I'm living the dream baby!

The star of the night is God. Why was I afraid? For all the trusting that I have in Him, He puts me in situations that I am out of my comfort zone, and can't trust. This very well to do night turned into something more than a very good night. It turned into God fellowship with His people, and awe, and fear, and regard, trust, enjoyment, love. I can't be responsible for what happens. He draws out the things He wants from you and places is strong hands around them, turning them into a raging inferno of love. Does not my heart burn within me as He opens the word? The weakness of God is stronger than man's strength, and the foolishness of God is wiser than men's wisdom. And he took the weak and foolish things of the world, to shame the strong and wise.

This just means, the God we serve is faithful, and I want to be like Him.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Song of Songs

I am starting a series on the Song of Songs, by Mike Bickle from the International House of Prayer, using His teaching to delve into the depths of whole-hearted abandonment to Jesus, in other words, love. I will try to condense what has been a 1 year journey into some helpful nuggets of truth that I believe have made this book come alive, and give me desire to study the book long term (i'm thinking 10 years atleast)

I am before an audience of one. It's because of Him that I am here. He loves me, I belong to Him.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Embracing Cold Winds

Being winter this heading is kinda timely, I am able to proceed forward in getting my songs out there (that God has blessed me with) while sharing the motivation and by God's mercy, faithful sayings to help anyone that is wondering "how do I make sense of the situation I'm in? should I be doing something more?"

Well, since there's only one more thing to talk about, lets proceed. I've been struggling in this last season, it's real. My heart is not in the work that I'm doing. People presume too much, not asking how I am, we don't ask questions of each other. More than that, my heart says I don't deserve anything, I seem to be putting more focus on money, and not on sitting at Jesus feet. But this is not the whole picture. I'm proving my love for God by the deeds I do and not necessarily the words. So if you are not in this place, It's not what it looks like. What I mean is, you shouldn't ask for trials to come, or circumstances to happen.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Call to Prayer and Fasting Israel


After sharing with others, I thought I would also share on here, what is up! I will be updating the page daily with prayer notes of our time of prayer here at YWAM oxford. I actually need to put down on paper all the smallest things that God has done this weekend. So here are a summary.

When I shared obediently at church today, afterwards I was filled with Holy Spirit and noticed that people were speaking the word of God

After a time of prayer and praise with God walking home, needing an answer He provided one just before I arrived home. When I arrived home, I searched for the persons details and found it.

When I was hitchhiking, I briefly prayed and was blesssed with a ride home to Oxford. This would give me enough time to go into the prayer room and read the word, as well as pray for Richard that God's compassion would break out, with hope, which can not be trivialized.

When I got back to Oxford it was just part three oclock. I went into the dining hall, where no one was, but was filled with Holy Spirit thinking about the things I had just prayed, and I spontaneously started singing a chorus to a song, as well as "I was made for love" (from Jesus let me see your eyes - Cory Asbury) and "whom the son sets free is free indeed" (Cory and Laura) no one can take this joy from me! when I sat down at the piano miraculously found the chords and melodies for "Jesus I know you love me" and remembered how to play the IHOP music (i was looking for the music)

This is not even including the fact that He gave me perfect peace sleeping last night. I was wide awake with a thousand things on my mind, and knew that there were verses saying he would give me rest, most of the things that I was thinking about, I couldn't do anything about right then, anyway, I had done everything I could do that day (secretly I prayed that God would make this a testimony when I got up in the morning)

I don't think it's coincidence that there's peace in Yemen on the outside, peace inside of me (rest) and peace about to be prayed for Israel. It just serves to confirm my signs and wonders that God can do immeasurably more, and I want Him to get the glory for it, I want Him to have His purpose done! I want to be like Jesus! Revelation, I tell you, Wisdom!

how is it that God can have so much fun making Himself great? and that I am just along for the ride? Is that even possible by Human means? Let this wine flow out of me!

no ordinary day!

Prayer notes July 10th 2011