Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Steps of healing

I would like to share with you a series of healing steps that Jesus gave to me which totally tore me up to no end as regards to expecting and praying for healing! What would breathe in you if you knew that regardless of the circumstance you knew that you could encounter Jesus. This is really a pursuit of Jesus himself. As He comes and ministers to you in your weakness you find that you are coming closer to Jesus himself. Because everything happened at the cross.

There was a sore throat going round on base and I caught it one day, however the night before I was in the worship meeting at night time, and worshipped - down on my knees on my face. Because I really want to encounter with Jesus. But He really came to me in a different way, it was in my sin. I've given everything, everything of Me stands before you and here your sin is. Look at me!

So the next day I was bedridden and came into the class room at just past lunch time and sat down and rested. Like I had the previous night. Jesus asked me a question. "Have I paid for this?" Then I remembered the scripture that He took upon himself all of our sicknesses and diseases. So anyway, here they are.

1. Putting trust in God more than if we had a broken leg for the cast to bring healing to us and the doctor to pronounce the right sentence.

2. Desire to encounter with Jesus the Lamb of God who hung on a cross showing the love of Him that will never deteriorate or go away, the beauty of Jesus and to find Him through words in scripture and through experiences and circumstances.

3. You may receive a picture...

4. He is not just worthy of healing you, but worthy of all your praise, all your worship, all your time, all your life, all your love, This in fact takes Faith. So if You got here it's because you have faith.

5. Rejoice. Rejoice before after, always. Thank Him, in fact, why stop there, isn't that the part that you want? Don't you want to rejoice and be freed from anxiety and perplexity, transcendant peace! This actually is what they did in the old testament going before the battles they thanked God for the victory that was won.

There's a scripture that I found for this, in Matt 8:17 which says "he took himself our infirmities and diseases" this was when He was praying for and healing people. Because He doesn't only have mind to heal you but to redeem you, to forgive you, to crown you with Love, to satisfy your desire, (psalm 103) THat would be cool if he was thinking of this scripture at all times.

SO I was walking around and was ecstatic because I had really encountered Jesus while sitting down, and His asking questions. And wanted to share these things with people, but I was humbled because I really didn't think that I was giving God the glory but only boasting, How do you tell? So before anything happened I had talked with someone that I wanted to bless, and nothing had happened, but then when I shared how I received a picture with him, and then it just fit all together, so the most important thing is to realize God wants to get the glory and its through your weakness.

6. Why would you stop there? He wants to move, in fact, the biggest problem isn't the words people speak about demons or healings or other things, but their unbelief - which is tragedy. So all things come back through Jesus. and if you are feeling bad, that isn't unbelief, faith doesn't go away, the way faith goes away is because of unbelief, not the sight things, it's the things you don't see.

I want to see healings, i want to see miracles, i want to see the things that Jesus does! It's not even about the healing any more, in our stuff that we have, it gets in the way, because we think healing comes because of us, or our 3 steps, but Jesus made it happen - The passion and the intimacy you have with Jesus is the fuel, the desire, and the ability, because He works through you. That's the whole point! this is where the whole desire for healings and miracles comes from, to encounter the person of Jesus, the work of the Holy Spirit is to make Jesus look good! My authority comes from this relationship.



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