"Most Assuredly I say to you, He who believes in me, the things that I do he will do; and greater than these because I go to my Father, and whatever you ask in my name, I will do, that the Father maybe glorified in the Son, if you ask for anything in my name, that I will do" (John 14:12-14)
And later that he exhorts his disciples that He will pray the Father for them, and he will give another helper, that he may abide with you forever. The Spirit of Truth, that the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him or knows Him. There are things then that are not seen and not known that will not be shared with the world but will be known by us. Because we know Him, because we dwell with Him, and because He dwells with us, and He will not leave us orphans, but come to us.
So anyway, here is the beginning.
We don't read the bible with eyes.
Because I was reading all these passages in the bible and thinking about them, and processing them, and doing what I thought what needed to be done with them, and I began to set scriptures apart, and had one idea of one scripture, and another idea from another scripture. And I have my ideas about what is being written here, but truthfully this book gets put to the way side, because I'm only reading it because it's a good book. And I have my doubts and sceptical places in the word, but then there's a scripture in 2 Peter which says:
"And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; 20 knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, 21 for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." (2 Pet 2:19-21)
every word inspired by the Holy Spirit which does not find it's origin in the will of men - and not of private interpretation - it is widely known and accepted. Whether it is historical, poetic, imagery, form, et cetera. The person who wrote it, the Holy Spirit, knows what He says, and he expects what He says to be done, and that happens when we don't read it with eyes. Because the words are the Person of Jesus! As a teacher, he can't teach us until we submit to Him, he can't give us the next part unless we have open hands - because He does want to come and guide us - that's the Holy Spirit - and he's more concerned with the step by step than He is with how much we want the end. Like, startings are good, because I realize that the process is actually started by God.
It's like when you hear people say "it's better to know God when you are young" because you get to walk your entire life with Him. Just like David. to burn in our hearts the message of His great love. Yeah i know that It would get to it eventually! A teacher doesn't teach the things you know, he only teaches the things that you don't know, the assumption doesn't need to be said, so nothing in scripture is saying a thing that you already know, the reason they would write is because it needed to be heard. So enter into that excitement! Because if He is teaching you are the student, and you will never be the master when He is teaching, that's the point! The point isn't to store in your heads things, it's to be part of what he is saying, asking him questions asking "what are you teaching me?" because a teacher is a good person, a teacher wants to teach you he wants to open your mind to what he knows. And he does that by questions. But really do you really know God that little? I think you do know God more than you think.
Because He is not a word or a thought - certainly. the place this comes from is real connection with the heart of God. He may speak to you, but unless it moves you into prayer and fasting and real fruit, real desires stir in my heart for Jesus. That is more than anything else going to sustain what I need to really want to love Him. The reason I will do anything for Him is because of the Love that He shows to me. May you be stirred into real devotion for Jesus as you look for real connection with Him. And that He will grant you to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in Your inner man, that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may together with all the Saints, grasp what is the length, the width, the depth and the height - to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge.
P.S: Scripture in Matthew 5:17,18 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Jesus Christ Himself fulfills the law and the prophets - He has fulfilled and is fulfilling all words that have been spoken. This is spoken of the words of the law and prophets. (inspired) the word that doesn't perish is the "Word of God, that endures forever" who is the name of Jesus (Rev 19:11-13) because these words pass away, but they have to be fulfilled. The law that is grace is already in effect and doesn't need fulfilling, because it is grace (Rom 11:6) Follow Jesus wherever He goes, and if you choose to then it's voluntary and can't be taken from you.
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