Wednesday, 25 July 2012

One thing that remains Love

When it's all said and done
there is only one that my heart is answerable to
Let my heart hear your voice!
And respond when you call out to me!

On the heels of travelling, I realized something that I want to discuss because it is worth it.

Consider that people call trips when you are going for a holiday, a "personal trip" or a "sabbatical" away from ministry.

People have been asked to do many things on outreach, things they have not wanted to do. People have gone out with a team, and are going to a plan set out for them. People have ridden on the work of others, and planted seeds, and made impact.

People have had to wrestle with unity, and the ultimate question.

What am I going for?

It was then that I had to make a definitive answer. "I am going for Jesus, he has to be absolutely everything"

We are on the heels of a generation that are crying out for intimacy. They are crying out for the God who is ravished by their heart, and they do not even know it.

I have to make it clear, the countries that I am going to I have never been to before, I do not even know what I am doing.

But in the words of a Misty Edwards song

I am lovesick for my Beloved
Only YOU can satisfy

This is the generation of Jacob
the generation who seek your face
and Only YOU can satisfy

Maybe all he is asking of me to share is the REST and satisfaction that I have found in Jesus, and to testify to it

Though I could say many other things, I want my wisdom to speak for me.

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