Tuesday, 3 July 2012

He is my Husband!

These words are the first words out of my mouth, as God put on my heart the verses in Isaiah 52:2
And when he put on my heart Isaiah 30:18 this afternoon it filled me with a strange warmth.

I am thinking of the peculiar love of God.  He has liberated me, This is in the words that He has also given me.

O my dove,
[that art] in the clefts of the rock,
in the secret [places] of the stairs,
let me see thy countenance,
let me hear thy voice;
for sweet [is] thy voice,
and thy countenance [is] comely.


Oh that I would latch onto the love in these verses. You are beautiful, my love! He wants to see my face, He wants to hear my voice!

In his words is praise

While reading and praying today, I had to ask the question, how is it, that we think He abandons us?

None of what the world holds as attractive holds me at all. I am throwing them away as unclean things.

What makes Him so attractive? it is the very things that set my soul alive and free.

The savour is in being chosen by Him for this peculiar love - which we must confess to others, especially when there seems to be a roadblock. I am speaking to myself when I say this.

He happens to be the one who commands us to take road blocks out of the way.

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