I find myself asking deep questions of late. This is one of them, but I cannot take the credit for it. I came up to spend time with Father and was asking Him "what are you giving me this day? this important day?" God of the Universe, creator of the Heavens and earth.
"Be like a little child"
It says, that "Praise will come out of the mouths of babes" (Ps 8:1)
A child praises when they see something worthy of praise. A child joins in singing because it is right to.
But of this, I can little share. When I am in the Kitchen, it is my devotion to Jesus that keeps me there, without His voice, without His presence, you could say everything comes unglued. It's not enough to call yourself a little child, but in every situation you will be seen one.
Even on this, little can I share. Maybe the answer is not just in calling myself a little child, but recognizing, I am a little child. That is where my identity comes from. Little children, need to hear from their Father, they need to be loved, they need to be fascinated, captivated, they need to be the center of attention, they need to know trust, they need to have their diapers changed, they need to be responsible.
I see a generation of adults behaving like little children, I see a generation of people that are waking up in the morning with one question on their hearts, I see a generation that confound the wisdom of the day, I see a generation free of chains, demonstrating kindness, power and love. I see a generation young and old, being taught, and most of all. I see a generation not tied up in the future, in the plans for tomorrow, but living in today, because that is where we are right now. I see a generation that loose their sense of dependance to any system, and breathe in expectation because there is so much more that can be achieved. That say to God, "Hurry up already! I am here and I have won!" I see a generation giving themselves whole-heartedly to worthless pursuits in the eyes of the world because their labor is not in vain, nor their strength in vain, God is my just reward. Did you not know that we have proved by our wisdom that we are not little children? And that there is a chilling voice in the gospels "We were like children in a market place, saying 'we played the flute for you, you did not dance, we played the dirge over you, you did not lament'"
Because they did not hear it. it went idly by in the generation of eating, drinking and being given in marriage. they did not hear it.
Who said that I was after my own popularity? do children worry about such things?
Who said that I was a lone stranger, doing only what I want? Do I not need my Father?
God's word is full of paradox. Without the center on God, everything will come unstrung. I do not want to compromise on the tension which exists in my heart.
I may be cut short here, but I feel like God is saying "proclaim this from the rooftops" Can one do this alone? Can I do this in my own strength? It's not just a good thing, I feel it is a declarative commandment. There is a fear in the heart of God. It is because He has unlimited power. There are only two people in this world, God's pawns, and God's sons (I mean not to be sexist, I mean that God has an inheritance for us - sons)
There is weight in the fact God says "I want you to be like a child" It is also something I can not take the credit for, nor do I say "Wait for it!" feel the tension in my heart when I say this. I was broken, I was disillusioned, crushed down, and His answer is "be like a little child"
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