Sunday, 8 July 2012

Daring and courage in the face of fear

I am now being so bold, that no one could resist me, I am turned away from my rejection and fear of failure. The Lion in me starts to roar, because I have tasted FREEDOM!

You ask how can this be? Because I am created to be who God made me to be. I am different, that is much a comforting thought for me, when I came home, I realized how much I'm no longer at home, when I come to friends and family, it makes me sad actually.

Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!

That can not be said of someone that has never come to the cross and stared blankly at His wounds and love. As much as my flesh would like to believe that His wounds have done nothing for me, that does not sit rightly with what He says of me.

If there is one thing that I believe is missing from the church in our day, it is this: Holiness.

I can not think of a more good thing in my whole experience thus far with God than the command that He constantly trumpets over me, "Get out, keep away, be set apart"

I challenge you to find a verse in the bible when someone has ever stood up for God, and what he had to say was not in direct opposition to what was the cultural and social norms.

Daring and courage in the face of fear will only come in the hindsteps of a revival of much cleanness and blameless life.

You ask, why would I embrace a life of weeping, of fasting, of sackcloth and ashes, of genuine repentance, of rejection, hunger, thirst, misery, longing.

Also know that every genuine revival has been followed up by a non-genuine revival which said it was OKAY to continue living the way you do, so long as you come with a heart that receives. These two things stand in utter contradiction. Your heart will believe what your mouth speaks.

In all this, I find myself, utterly amazed at God. He must really be put higher than anything else. What stands against us except everything that will be said to us, but that is just dross anyway, we know this from our own experience.

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