Tuesday, 5 June 2012

YWAM Update: We Must Go!

Hello everyone,

Grace and peace be with you in abundance. I am hailing from the home of my parents in Christchurch, New Zealand. With some exciting news! I wanted to share with you, that I will be moving to Queenstown. Why is that, you ask?

This weekend I invited my friend Lara to come for breakfast and to share with her what was happening - God had used her to confirm a direction change to go to Queenstown. However, it wasn't to be! not in the way that I expected anyway.

You see, God had to show me that he is everything that I want, everything that I need, all my passion, desire, delight, sustenance, pleasure, joy, gladness, I'm out of my mind to be saying this!


It's not enough to be sitting in your comfortable surroundings! it's not enough to be given what you want! It has to end with suffering and God's acknowledgement of the goodness of such a thing. Of suffering that reminds you of Jesus, not just reminds, has Him. In other words, "That I may Gain Him, that I may be found in Him"

You who are in your comfortable surroundings are making yourselves enemies of God. He does not condone comfort for the sake of people going to hell without a word

If this makes you tremble, then good, God wants to break your life apart, and show you that he is better than what you gave up, he wants to demonstrate His love for you. if you've never been through trials, then you will complain. But the truth is, no one can say that, not anyone in the world can say that they have never been through trials.

It's just that out in the world, the people will be like the "Lady of the Kingdoms" saying "I will be a lady forever" - totally disregarding all the persecution her lifestyle is bringing. Those who are lovers of the world are enemies of God.

This is his mercy to his church, that he wakes them up out of totally being no Godly good. He wants everyone, regardless of where they come from, adopting a martyr mentality.

Did you make the connection?
I started with God the Father, demonstrating and approving His love for us, by showing his acceptance of the satisfaction of His wrath in Christ. It says "It is finished!" in both John 19:30 and Revelation 16:17

This is then, if we are His sons and daughters, echoed, simply "He forgave me of my sin" now that I am a Son "I have made the choice that I want to give everything to Him because I believe what He has done to be more worth than anything else in life" - then when we are persecuted, tortured, imprisoned, God is giving approval of it, that ought to be everything because He is our Father and He is pleased.

Let me say this: He is worth it. Every painful emotion, every hurt, every circumstance, every confused thought, every moment of perplexity, distress, discomfort, disillusionment, just to be put into the right shape as a vessel and image-bearer of Christ. I esteem him greater riches than the treasures of Egypt (Hebrews 11:26)

My heart is not offended at anything that he has brought along my path, This is the power of his mercy. I could not do it without Him. 

Let me exercise what I believe just happened. Everyone needs to hear this! It can't be stopped! It needs to get out there! This is life! I was seized with fear over what people would think of this! Get over it! I just experienced the greatest pleasure in utter weakness. These are not in contradiction! 

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