Friday, 29 June 2012

What are the objects of your captivity?

When you are led away into exile, into captivity, it is easy to tell - by your clothes, by your appearance.

We have all carried around in ourselves the objects of our captivity, we have all turned aside to the right and to the left - while living here on earth we have been tempted by idols, done what we have wanted,

And now that God has led us away into captivity, the very things that He spoke against are the things that we carry around.

This is the idea behind the verse in Galatians "when you were children you were enslaved to things that were by nature not gods"

He says to us, RISE UP, throw off your prison garments, your captive clothes, and SIT DOWN, next to me. I will cover you in beautiful brooches, and in garments of righteousness, I will wed myself to You.

What makes us go back to the things that were captivity to us? it is because we have not given our hearts to Him, it is because the Spirit of God is grieved by our behaviors, and will not speak to us.

If only you knew the things that he will speak to you, the names by which He will call you!

I have only to give myself whole-heartedly to Him, and approach Him, "my Lord" and His comfort will come, and His truth you will know.

But you will say "What does He judge me for? I have committed unrighteousness, but He will forgive me. How can he turn around and judge me?"

But in that way you speak as one who does not know the severity of all that you have done, thought, or spoken on this earth.

It must be that He is just, and that your enslavement is the reason that you put on clothes that were not becoming of you. You put on things that made you beautiful on the outside but which corrupted your heart. All that you see around you burns up but you say "I will be fine in that day!"

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