The gospel was not given to be treasured, it was given so that we would give it to others! When Messiah spoke and said "I will come to those who know the truth!" in John 3. There was a lesson he was pre-eminently teaching here. O, you have nothing! You have nothing to show for yourself! You think you're rich! May you become poor to become rich, may you become foolish to become wise! That thing you think you have, you do not have unless you give it! The next time you go and read the bible, don't pray "O god, would you reveal your word to us" - empty yourself of every shred of your own understanding - because it's not yours to give! It's Messiah! It is His! O the joy of giving up all that I know, that I may gain the truth in Messiah! This is where Messiah is found in the bible!
I would point you to the passage in 1 Corinthians 9, which is a brilliant theological exegesis of how the working of the Gospel has so permeated His being. He was a pharisee, Hebrew of Hebrews, circumcised on the 8th day, according to self-righteous obedience, blameless. But all that was of benefit to Him, became loss. If you take Messiah from the heart of the Gospel you take the gospel away, you may as well be fighting with wild beasts. You may as well breathe your last, there is no hope in that.
There is neither jew nor greek in the Gospel, what is there? There is Messiah. Messiah is all in all. You have it all wrong if you serve for the sake of others. It is Messiah's slave you have become. It means to be emptied of everything of your own will. Actually, What is going to come on the earth is this, a sifting, a testing of the gold and the wheat, and those who have come short (I'm not referring to people that have appropriated the blood on the doorposts) will not survive, why? because they do not have the truth.
I want to encourage you greatly, you have not yet come to dying, you have not come to riches, YET! overcome the world by saying "I am dead, Christ now lives!" This is a very good quality that God REWARDS, to keep on until you breakthrough. This is very biblical, what you will gain will never perish, you will be held in eternal honor and glory for the sake of Christ. What is the lesson learned in this? hopefully, when he says "Open your eyes!" you do not take offence! I can never pray that prayer enough. God take the blindness away from my eyes! Let me see your beauty!
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