I'm feeling rather free at the moment. To explain, I have to share what has happened today. A phone call, a text message, and I decided I would like to come for a steam engine ride with the Weka Pass Railway in Waipara. So, at 10 oclock in the morning my brother Andrew arrived to pick us up (my brothers and I) and take a drive to Waipara. For anyone that has not heard of this, there are train tracks from Waipara (think of the mud house cafe surrounded by wineries) to Waikari. The journey takes roughly half an hour, however on the way there we are invited to get off the train, and watch it come around the corner. There were alot of people that took advantage of the time - including us, taking videos and photos of the whole experience. If you are into steam trains, make sure that you pop on for a ride (it runs roughly twice a month - search it up on the internet under "Weka Pass Railway")
So what makes me so free at this precise time? I realized that I'm the only one that knows God created all that I am seeing. While watching the mountainside, I was able to say "God how amazing is this place - This is really God's own" it makes me think that these simple excursions are what God intends us to delight in. My mind darts off into the way that the world was made, that He has sovereign control over the world, that I know Him. And that I'm financially free. What a wonderfully wonderful feeling. I mean to do exactly what I want to do, because I am not at the beck and call of money. This is where real multiplication begins. Today, Nathan Sinclair is choosing to live in the blessing, provision, and love of Father God.
Also, I'm bound by conscience and the desires of my heart to choose what is better, namely, God. This is where my freedom really comes from. I'm choosing the better part, which is to say with my mouth, God is better. Jesus you are worthy, you have won my heart. Because the freedom we have, it's a choice. But that choice is only because we see that we would rather be doing one thing or another thing. So then the choice that we made, bows down to our impulses (it's not the opposite). So then when God says "I want you to worship me" he is asking for us to choose what is better in our esteem. He wants us to be excited by Him, to love Him, to choose Him, to praise Him. Just like someone that raves about His favourite obsession.
If all this is what I have gained from the trip then that's wonderful. Because my Savior is Magnificent! I would do anything for Him because He's my superior pleasure!
As a matter of interest, I was working outside alot this week, we have been planting new plants around the base. The weather has made this very easy (it was sunny the entire time) - apart from the sprinkling of snow that came on Friday! Also watering the plants. We will be having the rest of the Backpackers, and Justice school staff arrive in the next week and they will begin staff training until the students arrive at the beginning of October. This marks two years of involvement at YWAM! There will also be a national YWAM gathering happening at our base in October, meaning the base is going to be packed full!
It will be super important to keep up the maintenance duties, and praying for unity among staff and students, that we would be like a family and that God would pervade the Spirit of Unity in encountering His person, and His people. Pray that we will have a large harvest on base as God gets to do what He wants. No better freedom! I'm super stoked for having your support and prayers. If you would like to find out more, I would love to catch up, honest!
Cool photos Nathan! :)