I know that i need stimulus. every second, every minute, every hour, every day, ever week, every month, every year. If i do not receive any i am going to explode. God knows this. So i'm going to go after everything that i want! at every possible moment i'm going to be looking for the highest joy. We were born adrenaline junkies. the moment you breath your first, the moment you are fed your first, the moment you stretched yourself to the limit and then release came. You were born for absolute joy. Joy that does not go away. Not because you are happy; which is because of surroundings; but joyful, that isn't based on circumstances or experiences or anything. yet is. Joy is what you have. That says "not only do i want to be happy, i want to be joyful" I am going to satisfy every impulse of my heart. This pursuit demands excellence - if I am not receiving something I'm going to die. what a crazy state to be in. are we aware of it? that every moment we can have absolute joy? which doesn't go away. and is not based on our circumstances? what am I saying here? Only what you probably already know. Don't do it for yourself. "In everything do what you do for someone else" This is what Jesus says. Don't go after your needs. don't even go after your wants - do it for someone else. don't even live for yourself. I didn't live for myself. and God glorified me! God put such a measure in me that blows my mind! When I came home today I had been thinking about doing something for another person. This particular time that i was thinking of goes like this.
I was praying for someone and began to think of what I could give to her and normally I will receive a picture and then begin to make sense of it. This time I didn't. I wrote out something for her. And then afterwards I had the most amazing sense of joy, joy that comes from that. I remembered that I had said: "there is complete and absolute joy doing something for another person"
So this time I remembered that time. And guess what! I received the same profound joy, complete and absolute. It didn't fade. in fact i'm changed. I'm never gonna be the same again! I thought this thing is addictive, if i keep on doing it i don't think I'll stop. You realize that I had written this thought out about how "don't do this for yourself, do it for another" complete and absolute joy. And as I wrote down this new revelation it was like God was saying (actually afterwards, when I sat down and was talking with my parents) Don't forget me! (like when your best friend wants in on the action you have) so not in a bad way, like, a BOOM! that happened knowing "OH! this is going to happen. God says it's going to happen" it's not chance.
The fact that I want to have absolute joy at all times, it's not random. this is because knowing my stimulus. I have been made this way. Why would I deny myself if I knew what gave me the most pleasure? And guess what! This is what Jesus says only he says "I have a better way: do it for others. don't do it for yourself" Because we have everything that we need. I'm gladly going to lay my life down for another, not doing it at all for myself. (Jesus demonstrated this on the cross)
So it was like my most amazing time today: Realizing i wanted to do everything and anything i could possibly do and that i remembered i could goto Rock Solid today, so i txt a friend. and said: "I want to come to Rock Solid tonight" and i was a little fearful because, well, i'm afraid of young people. But i knew God doesn't not prepare me so if i'm thinking "I want to come to Rock Solid" he must have already prepared me. And i just have to be myself. i don't need to be anyone else!
So I came to Rock Solid. BEST PART OF MY DAY! And even as I walk out. He didn't abandon me, even though I didn't say anything that was helpful tonight. I just said "Hello" like 4 times and people were happy to see me. And then I sat down and said "Good" and "I liked the games" He is my reward! Do you believe it! He called to Abraham and said: "I am your exceedingly great reward" That sounds like God! You don't believe me? Well i believe! Your unbelief doesn't cancel my belief. http://read.ly/Rom3.3.NKJV
Thank you. Amen
P.S: This is a big topic and i've only touched the surface on it. Looking forward to write more on this!
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