Saturday, 19 April 2014

I covet you

"An Ode to holiness and the unveiling of Jesus"

I covet you more than gold or silver
I want you as my very own
I love you without reward
I desire you more than fine gold
Or myrrh or honey
to find you, I am yours
I am yours and you are mine

A day unlike any other

Then He also said to him who had invited Him,
"When you give a dinner or a supper do not ask your friends,
your brothers, your relatives, nor rich neighbours,
lest they also invite you back, and you be repaid.
And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you
for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just"
and he said, "Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the
kingdom of God!" (Luke 14:12,14,15)

Hi everyone,

I would like to thank everyone who came along to celebrate my 31st birthday. Something to be remembered! and for the people that could not make it, or if you are wanting to know what happened. Read on! I promise you it won't be long! 

A lot of people came to my party this year! We basically filled up the entire restaurant. It's a small place for eating all sorts of mains, on Colombo St, Christchurch, called Samurai Bowl. I've never been to this Japanese restaurant before, and it worked out so well!

We even had some guests that I had not met before!Logan and Kate's Sister Beth came with Kate who is a good friend of mine. It made me think of the blessedness of being able to have a birthday and celebrate it with everyone. This is because it's really upto the host to make people feel welcome, and no one does this more than God - He after all can do whatever He wants with His riches. I live to be like my Father. It seems that this has been a theme about the party in general.

We arrived about six oclock and the dinner was started about 6:30 just in time for my brother Andrew to arrive. We talked amongst each other for a good time, and when my brother said that He would be a bit later we decided to start ordering our meals. He actually arrived just as most people were getting their meals.

It's been a fantastic experience and one that I'm not going to forget. My intention is to be in relationship with others and experience the JOY that God does over knowing and loving His family. So if you're reading this, I'm loving what God is doing for me at the moment! He really is the best prize in the world. I actually realized that I need this - i need love. and to love others. So I'm letting you know that i've changed and I'm not going to live independently any longer - unless that independence is what allows God to trust me with things. I could not do this without Him. That means that I'm excited to get to know you, and if God leads, to be a part of your life.

To really know you I need to change too. May God pour out His Holy Spirit, and may we know His will, His will is life. So whether I'm obeying God for amazing things, or just day to day eventualities, my future is in His hands. But what a paradox that is! appropriating the promises that God has given us through Jesus, and living it out in our lives.

May you know God's richest reward for you and know that following Him - knowing Him, pleasing Him and believing that He has reward for you - will lead you into right relationship with Him. This really is the only way to live

If you would like to know more, I am not going to be on facebook any longer, but I will still receive emails. If you want to be in contact with me just send me a message and I will tell you what's happening for me now.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

A theme of hope


Hope is a remarkable thing. You can’t fake it. My friend is hoping that the sun will shine this week. More than this, hope is what enables us to enter into what God has for us in authentic worship. This is the key to realising the heart of God for us. Some things hope says:
“Why are you not over the moon about Him? what are you lax and unable to enter in?” This is the great measure of what he has placed in us. It comes from encountering God – he restores hope
Some verses concluding that hope is as essential as breathing.
Hebrews 6:11 “And we desire each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end”
The book of Hebrews is all about the joyful suffering that goes with proclaiming His name. So in this verse he is saying that they’ve missed the mark – not having hope.
Here is another verse on hope:
1 Peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defence to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear”
There it is again. When we proclaim the good news it is our hope that shines through. In other words, it’s our hope. That illustrates that we can know all the right things in the world, but if we’re serving up nothing that’s worth replicating, we will be brushed aside.
Hope is breathing.
This is important, but I’m going to return to the previous verses from Hebrews 6. Here is the context:
“For God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love, which you have shown toward His name, in that you have ministered to the saints, and do minister. And we desire each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end. That you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Hebrews 6:10-12)
Add in a couple of other verses:
Ephesians 1:15
“Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love for all the saints”
in other words, it says “faith in the Lord Jesus” faith in Him. it includes these concepts together, faith, hope and love. (1 Cor 13:13)
What they’re saying, is the new body. What is the connection between the new body and our actions on the earth? Just that. Christ gives us a new body, one that is not diluted by weakness, or tarnished by frailty, or forged with the natural. He promises us a body that is not only powerful, but spiritual, glorious and eternal. Why? Because we will be with Him.
Why? Because it is to Him that we engage in this labor of love.
Unless you are bound with Christ, you are without hope.
Why? Because it’s a matter of life.
In fact, hope is breathing.
You’ll ask me “why am I struggling and powerless? Why am I dissatisfied with life?” to which I will reply, you have no hope.
It’s like the little child that is learning to ride a bicycle. It’s sure to happen that he falls down, and when He does, He cries. He gets back up, He gets back on the bike, and continues peddling. He eventually succeeds and never falls down again.
It’s like coming to a realisation that you’re called to succeed, called to be beautiful, lovely and pure. Called to be filled with hope of the way that God feels about you – dance like no one’s watching, sing until it hurts, live like there’s no tomorrow, and I will show a person that has hope.
Without being bound with Christ, you are without hope. You see, he poured out his life, his love, and expected no repayment. He died, he was buried, and descended to hell. There he was in the belly of the earth for 3 days, and on the third, he rose again. That’s why everything of life is found in Him, it’s because He’s been there. The assurance and affirmation that I need is found in Him – this is because I know that God has shown me that every indication is that He gave His best, His life, and that no one is like this man.
But this necessitates the question: “I’m totally barren of hope. How do I engage in authentic worship to God? How do I “ – ultimately – “engage with God in an honest way?” what is there for me? What is the answer?
To this I will share a new scripture with you.
Psalm 5:1,2 “Give ear to my words, O LORD
Consider my meditation” (Literally groaning)
“Give heed to the voice of my cry
my King and my God
for to you I pray”
Here, I’ve found it I’ve found the key to emotional honesty. It seems, honesty is emotional honesty. What is here described is “groaning, and crying” – don’t see these in terms of under some huge burden. See these as desperations of trying to articulate to God what it is you are asking for. Take heart, that “groaning” is heard by God. In fact there are times when God takes the tears of our failings and sojournings away from Him and puts them in a bottle. There are times when we are surrounded by enemies, and
Psalm 142:4
“Look on my right hand and see
For there is no one who acknowledges me
Refuge has failed me
No one cares for my soul”
How can there be hope in that? How can I say that and bristle with hope at the same time?
This is quite a remarkable question. But I can only leave you with this. David is refreshingly honest with God. He is able to say things that we just don’t.
In all of this, I say, give your all to Jesus. Count not the cost. Know that He is emotionally honest, He is gloriously able to lead us with the tenderness of a Shepherd. This is because He died to become your future.
You see, only when you love and are able to entrust to Jesus your future in his hands do you embrace death. Death no longer has a sting to those that are captivated, it no longer has a remorse to the one that loves. No regrets. And no quibbles with that.
I hope you now see why hope is living. It’s so crucial to live. You see it allows us to apprehend God’s promises as our very own. It allows us to be authentic and get up when we’ve fallen down. I’ll leave you to discover what new ways you can express hope to God and others.