Sunday, 23 March 2014

My Heart is a Field

This is inspired from Matthew 13:1-9 The Parable of the Sower. I had this revelation that Jesus was not judging his audience, he was telling the truth. Whatever walks of life, He says, He is intimately acquainted with each one by His Spirit. Such a one shows us that we can trust Him with our hearts. He knows, and indeed, has the best plan for us. Even if we are far from Him. In a paradox, the far away God has come close. It's a reflection of His holiness, that people are more concerned with their own feats and lives than with God.

My Heart is a Field

Copyright Nathan Sinclair 2014. Feel free to share the song with whomever you want. Just let me know that you're using it.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Out of the Mouths

This song was birthed out of the scripture Psalm 8:2 where it says "out of the mouths of babes and infants you've ordained praise, to silence the foe and the avenger"
It also has a witness to it related to a prophetic word I shared today. (the contents of that word were not just working at becoming joyful people, but encountering the joyful heart of God)
At the bottom of a well of joy is deep mercy and love. God himself is the pursuer here, going above and beyond to give us joy and love. What a mystery!

Out of the Mouths

Copyright Nathan Sinclair 2014. Feel free to use the song and share it with anyone you want. Let me know if you use it.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

You are Beautiful

This song was birthed in a prophetic word I shared with a friend. It's contents are does God let us go through breaking and shaking? does He do it so that we would know Him more? (the cry of our hearts)

You are Beautiful

Copyright Nathan Sinclair 2014. Feel free to reproduce the song and share it with anyone you want. Just let me know that you are using it.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Thoughts about John 15:4

"Abide in me, and I in you" (John 15:4, paraphrased)

And so it comes full circle. I have had some thoughts regarding (John 15:4) that it's about making a home for Him. and He being a home to us. Then we don't ask "what pleases God?" for he has already given us Himself. In saying that, I am saying we don't generally give God what He is asking for. We give him everything but that. Remember what it says "I am in you, and you are in me" the secret is that when we continually come to Him, that is the place that we are preparing for Him (alone) And so we "forsake all and think upon Him" this is abandonment.

This is the key to making the way possible for God to give you everything of himself. Understand the analogy. Making a home for Him. He being a home to us. What has he done? He's given us Himself. If we don't want to spend time with Him, what's that to Him? O but He loves it, he loves you spending time with Him. He wants to unveil all His glory to you. He wants to show you the Father's love. He wants to give you access to joy and love in the midst of sorrow, He wants to console you when you mourn, and give you a blessing when people have cursed you, he has given you the secret to eternal life.

The answer is give your heart to Him, the thing that the disciples have that we do not, is that they had a revelation of who this man is. They walked with Him, talked with Him, listened to Him speaking, It was out of this knowledge that they ultimately gave their lives to spreading this good news. You see they had been brought upto it, this whole-hearted and abandonment, because they were waiting for Him, they were waiting patiently and expecting Him.

I think that we have lost sight of the purity of love. How can you imagine a world without God existing? the evidence is out there. In another word, "it is the simple devotion that you give to Him" give your heart to Him. Don't just say it, mean it, base your life around it. this is the secret to making a place for Him to dwell. This means that you will forsake everything else and cling to Him, but I trust that when you authentically experience God, you will see that He is better than anything else.

You see, God is a good God, He is a good good Father. He doesn't give you something that you don't already have. Ask him for it, open your heart to Him, this is the simplest thing on earth to do, you give your heart to Him. There are many things in this life that have taught us about what Fathers are like, but He is not like any Father. He has done this for you. He delights in You. He makes the way possible for you to know Him. this is the secret. Make your decision today, I'm going to live for love. I'm going to make a place for Him to dwell (in all of His glory)

As it happens, I think that he made the way possible for us to know the Father. That's where the treasure lies, esteemed as true sons and daughters of God.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Great is the Lord

Exercising my gift, i decided to write a song from Psalm 147:2-5 The nouns (build, gather, heal, bind, count, call) indicate that God is responsible for them. But look at what He's responsible for. the outcasts, the broken hearted, the wounded,  or those with sorrows (coming from the same word) What is this? He builds and gathers a place where His family may gather. That's what the Son came for, He came to free the captive, release the prisoners, preach good news to the poor, to bring jubilee. (Isaiah 61:1)
Without Him being the Son we would have no firstborn rights, He was giving us the keys to the mansion in Heaven. Why do I make this all about love? why do I say that this is the better part? I guess it's because unless I know Him, I am just spouting hearsay. God is that good to be known. This shows that Jesus actually considered our love to be the most priceless possession that He could own.

The reason that I'm a Son is because of Jesus, the reason that I'm loved by Him is because of His love for me. Don't you remember what it was like when you first knew Him? everything was about Him, what He has done for you. To be unashamed of Him, is to say that He was worth it.

Great is the Lord

Copyright Nathan Sinclair 2014. Feel free to use it, and share it to others you want to share it with. Just let me know that you're using it.