Sunday, 29 September 2013

The Rose

I have been thinking about how I simply do not match up to what I want to be in my heart, who can love me in this state? But then I remember Jesus, who not only paid my debt, He wanted me to be with Him where He is. This means not only at the end of the age, but every place before then. In Micah it shares how the prophet was distressed at the state of affairs, but God comes to Him and He knows that He is safe.
All these are brought together in knowing that my trials are proving love in me.
It is the guiding principle behind all that He does.

This is called "The Rose"

The Rose

Sunday, 15 September 2013

You are a Lighting Fire

It seems, the best songs, just come out.

I have to be honest, that I just sat down and played the piano and allowed God to move upon my heart.

This is the result.

If you would distribute it, do it freely, all I ask is that You give credit where it's due

You are a Lighting Fire

This is the intellectual property of Nathan Sinclair. All rights reserved. Copyright Nathan Sinclair 2013

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Here is My Beloved

This is inspired from Isaiah 52, where the Beloved beckons His bride to sit down with Him, "redeemed not with money"

Here is My Beloved

Intellectual property of Nathan Sinclair. All rights reserved. Copyright Nathan Sinclair 2013

Feel free to distribute, just tell me about it before hand!

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Love, Love, Love (Worthy Is the Lamb)

This has been a work in progress. I guess the song explains itself.

Love, Love, Love (Worthy is the Lamb)

All rights reserved, Copyright Nathan Sinclair 2013, You can take and distribute this, just let me know about it!

Release Me

This is a profound lesson, that to be free, you have to be in the confines of a relationship, We are slaves of righteousness, God sees us that way and will not change that.

So when are locked out of compromise, adultery and idolatry, we are in reality brought into the freedom of the relationship that we have with God

It was inspired by a teaching by Joseph Prince on being slaves of righteousness

What inspires me is that this one whom my soul is set free with, is coming back for me, He is going to satisfy every one of hearts longings, and in the mean time, I am learning this upside down, inside out way of life

Release Me

All rights reserved, Copyright Nathan Sinclair 2013, You can take the song and distribute it, just let me know about it.

You are Well Pleased With Me

This is a song about finding acceptance in the assurance that God loves you, and delights in You. As Sons and Daughters, we need to hear that more than anything else, because that is our identity. It's easy to forget that.

It's also about how Jesus delights to see you succeed in this journey of identity in sonship, as the Firstborn, he is rooting for us, singing over us and dancing over us! Let that change your heart!

You are Well Pleased With Me

All rights Reserved, 2013. This is copyright Nathan Sinclair 2013 You are welcome to use the song just let me know about it!