Saturday, 13 April 2013

the why behind "A Safe Haven"

Hello everyone,
In commemoration of releasing my ebook “You are my glory” on Amazon, I am starting a series sharing the why behind certain poems that I have written, so you can better understand what I am trying to capture when writing these poems.
If you want a reader for these files, you can use Calibre to view them. The website is found here.
I will start with “A safe Haven” which has John 15 in thought.
Trapped in stormy seas,
Darkness traversing, the winds are blowing
On the sails of a boat set adrift
It is the take of a mariner’s discovery
Of ports unsailed and depths untraveled

The stars are declaring the glory of God
Their glistening shedding light on a darkened landscape
And the mariner’s traverse still, it is a
Battle that cannot be won

I have been sailing
But no one told me where to sail
I have been traversing,
But no one saw where the light was turning
I am convinced that it is supposed to be this way
Because no one ever lost their compass
Steering the vessel ever forward to the
One light that keeps me steady
Keeps me safe

I came to a port
Where the waves no longer blow
Where traveler had made a passing
Going to the higher horizons
Where the stormy winds no longer blow
Where the doves make their roosts
In the crags of the rocks

The doctors shared the mend
Needed in my sails
The nurses showed me where
The darkness had left a burning seer
The sails were mended
The galleys filled
The tight ropes for the eye man restored
 A sea crew were commanded

A voyage plotted
This was done without my hand
Without you a commanding
Without you a restoring

I now know that it as life that way
Being woven into me again
I now know that I had lost the Reins
I had need of some direction again
More than this I
Need the hand of one who has
Been through what I’ve been and has compassion

My thoughts are returned to order
My hands are now on the steering wheel
I want to drive, I want to sail!
When I began to read the chapter of John 15, I clung to this idea that God is my life, and not my own.
He is the life in me, when I am in this place, I am able to fully comprehend what He has done for me, even what spiritual life is going through me when I am interacting with others.
The second reason behind this poem of mine, is that I must give myself entirely to Him to find what is His. This is something that I practiced doing while talking with my doctors, I resolved never to put stumbling blocks in the way of my recovery, because I knew that I was in a safe place, and no one knew this more than God.
This gave me great confidence that I was in God’s hands, and that He was in charge of my recovery – whether in reading or in contemplating on His voice I was able to hear His voice as I recovered.
If you want more, read my book!

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