Sunday, 21 April 2013

Let my heart burn

This is a follow up to a post that I read at my friend Sarah Racine's blog, have a look at it before you read this (it's not crucial, but it does connect the two in some way)
I see the bullseye but where are the arrows

That's intense. Thank you Sarah for your zealous turning to the Lord.
I like your point about being single and not having a husband. It reminds me of Amy Carmichael.

I'm just so struck by your words. What is keeping me from going? You know that I love Jesus and I would go anywhere with Him.

It was almost "for Him" and I think of the moravians when I think of their "worth it call" in the lamb receiving the reward for his suffering. But it's also with Him, he doesn't go anywhere without us.

I pray that you too will go with Him. because I've been reading this book by Madame Guyon where she says God puts us through circumstances, only God can be said to have done it. All the trials and pressures that we face are because God wants to be united with us.

I am getting a hold of the why behind that, just like you are, that we will be entirely, intensely passionately betrothed to Him, because he wants us. Don't forget that He is wanting us. That same desire that were his finishing words before He went to the cross, the same heart that beated in Paul as He encouraged the Philippians. What will be too difficult for us if we have the overcoming lamb with us? You see He does put the world map before us. I remember hearing of someone that did that before, and died as he interceded for the lost in those nations.

It's right and true that we would give our little abandoned heart to Him because He knows that it's only in Him that we will fully know what matters most in this life. It's his delight to give us that thing that matters most in life, In fact we who have partnered with Him have seen Him in His glory, even though we despised Him, even though we did not esteem Him. For us who have made the transition from living for ourselves to living for Him, he opens wide the gates of Heaven's heart so that we will never lack, we will be satisfied and sustained in the flow of His lovely torrent.

It must be that we are sustained by His glory, only then we will go. only then will we pour out our hearts to give and not expect repayment, only then will the Bride rise up and count all things as loss for the sake of knowing Him. Only then will we say "we did it for love, there is no cost"

Though i know that your little heart is getting swept away by the torrents of his limitless love, I know that you will not burn out, because you've found a limitless love in giving himself to the lost and abandoned of this world.

I think of that verse in Chapter 50 of Isaiah where he says "I will set my face like flint, I will not be ashamed. He is near that justifies me, who will contend with me?"

Though these verses refer to Jesus, we also know the sufferings of this world and plead and petition God to hear their cries. Just like he did for the down and out of Israel when they were pressured under the yoke of Pharaoh. I pray that you think of Israel who will go through sufferings to receive their glory. Know that God is near to the broken-hearted and his heart breaks for them. He is compassionate.

I think in that is a way forward, we know that His heart is not callous or indifferent to suffering, because He demonstrated His compassion to the very end. He even loved those who were His to the very end. He knows the limits that we can face and does not tempt us, He himself says that we will not be tempted beyond what we can bare, but he will provide a way out for us. I think that speaks of His godliness. He is the Son of God, present with us when we come to Him in prayer.

It makes me think of the arabs in Palestine, and those that should be shown mercy though they are burdened under an oppressive yoke, I think that He will set all things right in His time.

Where am I? well I am burning in my heart, where is that in the world? I will burn for Him just like His heart burns with a fragrant burning - totally whole-hearted in the giving no matter what it is that He is required - His heart bleeds, just as His brow dropped sweats of blood for the broken and down and out.

Let that be the only thing that satisfies you - i Know that it satisfies me, just like James when He embraced the cross because He preached the cross his whole life. May we give the lamb the reward of His sufferings. I'm convinced that what this is is limitless love. We hear his heart when He broke open the declaration "come to the rivers, you who have no money, come buy and eat" because he came to give his life. That then is the motivation that we should be motivated with - His love. When we give our love to Him, we are only doing it as a result of His limitless love for us, and he who is motivated by love is not afraid - we will give great things just like Mary in her alabaster pouring did it all for Him, without fear.

When we are fully aware of His love, then we will turn to Him every time.

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