Sunday, 29 April 2012

Psalm 139

Here is a song that God gave me while playing on the Piano which I would like to share with you.

It is called

Psalm 139 here is the Rapidshare link

Monday, 23 April 2012

YWAM Update: Dreams, Visions, and Seers

A few months ago, while I was in Whangarei, visiting my friend Steve who did the Around the World School last year, I found a book which changed my life. This book is called The Modern Seer by Jim Driscoll. I was planning on contacting my parents and catching up to let them know how my trip was going, so while having the conversation, I mentioned how I had started reading the book. It is basically this: God doesn't want to just speak to us, he wants to interact with us, and while this may be hard to understand, God wants us to be children again who are fascinated and filled with life. There are just 2 ways mentioned in the book which stop us from interacting with God in this way. The first is traumatic experiences in our childhood related to dreams, or anything of that sort, the second is when we have stepped out in what we see and people have not received it - both lead to saying to God "I do not want to know you in this way" I understand that there maybe a lot of "If's and questions" that arise from this, however I just want to get this out there, for your sakes, so that there is honesty and common understanding.

 I said that God wants us to be children again who are fascinated and filled with life. While I was with God this morning I ended up reading a passage from the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 16, where it describes the Love of God towards Jerusalem, His Bride. There is a phrase there at the beginning of the Chapter, saying "Cause her" [to know her abominations] Pay very close attention to what is being said here. This is an informative instruction. I used to hear that this occured alot in the book of Ezekiel, all I've ever heard has been, "these are redundant words" (putting it in a simple way) actually they are not redundant. Do you hear what is being said here? Just like when I read this book, the Modern seer, God is himself saying "i want to informatively instruct you" in Spiritual Life. In other words, Ezekiel is really receiving pictures and visions, while in His body, that He can share with those he is to talk with. This is just one example.

This actually makes me ENJOY interacting with God in the ways he communicates with me. This actually changes the way I pray, relate and talk to God. Actually, it gives me a good reason not to think my own interests (like playing piano and reading the bible) are the best things I can do hear on earth, because IF I can relate to God in the Spirit (which is better by far) I should not think it strange that He makes relating to me far superior to anything I could do on earth. I have to say that I'm not being proud or arrogant when I say this, because the effect of hearing that I can actually relate to God - whether in the kitchen, on the toilet or in my bedroom - Absolutely everywhere! has been a far bigger appreciation towards God and what He does for me.

I just have to say, Jim's website - stir the water - I have not been able to do any exercises yet for lack of money, but I found his source material - The Book of Ezekiel! It's my studybook to interact with God in the Spirit (Colossians 1:8) By saying this, I am not suggesting that He does everything for money.

I would like to share some of the things that have happened at YWAM in the past few weeks. I have put up a few photos. In March we celebrated the Graduation of the Justice Discipleship Training School. God was using it to really solidify in me, that He really likes me - not for what I do! I have struggled with being accepted for who I am, not what I do, and praise the Lord! I am free of that! Do you know God likes You? He doesn't just Love you, He likes You! You are the one that He gets the most enjoyment from! That means, that I do not have to concern myself with anything except who He says I am. I am His Son and His Bonded One (Bride)

The last week of March, Juddy, Kent and I helped the Oxford Baptist Church set up their Easter Camp area, over at Spencer Park. we helped set up 4 large pavilions, and move the furniture, pool tables and table tennis (among other things) into these areas, each also had a lot of carpet to unroll.

While at Church on Sunday, 15th of April, God provided for me to go out to YWAM last week. On Saturday He gave me Joshua 3:5 which says "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow I am going to do wonders among You" So I believed it. The end of the service I was lead to ask for prayer, because God was doing something in my heart, and I wanted to be enabled to share it with others - my going forward for prayer was the first step of obedience. Then after I received prayer, I went to the back of the church, to find Robin! The first question that came out of her mouth was "So what's been happening" (I had a conversation with her, about 7 weeks before then) I laughed because, God had obviously surprised me with this - What I had wanted to share with Her, was exactly what had happened at the front of church - asking to be enabled to share it with others. As a result of the conversation, I was able to go to YWAM for the week, because God had provided the support.

This is all to say, my heart is really living by Faith, trusting in God's character for me, that He is my provider - and that my heart really is at home at YWAM. I think I'm just about ready to go on a journey.
My work buddies, while clearing the Prayer Walk of Non-Natives - basically Tangling Vines
Helping set up the Tents at Easter Camp
Up Above Craigieburn??? while 4-wheel driving
Funny photo of Steven Thorne

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Be Thou My Vision

This is not an original.

God has given me a redo on an old hymn.

Be Thou My Vision
here is the rapidshare link

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Songs, and File Storage


I would like to update you on a few changes in my "community online"

First I would like to say, that I have a soundcloud website over [at] soundcloud/sinclairnathan where I will be uploading any new songs that I write.

The second is, I have a storage account on rapidshare! Because of the small size to my soundcloud, anything that I move off soundcloud will goto rapidshare. (I will be putting any songs I put on soundcloud also on Rapidshare for download)

I have moved a talk that I had with someone at YWAM base (in roughly December 2010) named "Selflessness and the Glory of God" onto Rapidshare. This is the description of the talk:
Work in progress, finally finished! Php 2:5-6, 1 Cor 15, Jer 23:18, Luke 22:44, 1 Cor 13:1-3,11, 1 Cor 8:1 After being moved for quite a while about spiritual fragrances, the glory of God to comfort us, and revelation (discernment) of spiritual things to our bodies, the pursuit of pleasure and the selfless love of Jesus which if we have any measure of is of immeasurable value compared to any spiritual gift (1 cor 13:1-3) and our absolute need for His love and how he satisfied everything by His love, ask for His love because it's the same thing that you are asking for which He wants to give (faith and hope carry us until we receive His love) And how everything works out for His purposes.
Here is the URL

While singing and processing with God I wrote two songs that I would like you to hear.

The first is called "Glory Song" it comes from the passage in Psalm 27:4 where it says (NKJV)
One [thing] I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple.
Here is the URL
here is the rapidshare link

The second is called "You Came and Saved Me" it's a song about Freedom and Loving Jesus with His Love
Here is the URL
here is the rapidshare link


Saturday, 14 April 2012

My Beloved

I recently wrote a song which was inspired from passages in Song of Songs. It is called "My Beloved" i wanted to share it with you

My Beloved
here is the rapidshare link

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Not a Tomb But a Garden

Hello there,

I am just updating to let you know some kind of breakthrough God's done today which I sang about. The song is called "Not a Tomb But a Garden" actually, the song is the answer to prayer.


The Description reads:

"Hello, if you have the patience, i would recommend listening to this clip, which God gave me today. It really is a breakthrough; which I want to share with you. I'm reenergized in the promises of God, and my family, which He has given me to show me God's character, and most importantly Jesus the Christ, the Son of God. Is there any reason to worry or be impatient?"

Not a Tomb But a Garden

here is the rapidshare link

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Birthday Special Surprise

I have recently had a birthday! That makes me 29! My clearest memory of this birthday, was a wake up call from God - where I was pastored in freedom. I asked Him if there was something that he wanted to say to me, because my thoughts were in a jumble, my spirit was filled, and I was wide awake. The first thing that He said to me was, "Forgive one another" This takes me back to last year when I was in the prayer room, with our good friends, Scott and Kaili Bailey. (the reason I say "our good friends" is to paint the mood) We were upstairs in the prayer room, and while praying for each other - Scott and Kaili were about to leave - we had a moment - in which we both shared a fabulous memory. God bless you for recalling this memory! Hallelujah! In the morning I was still overcome by this experience we shared. I came up to the prayer room, before intercession, and while there God's presence came into the room, and I received some wonderful insights into God's character which so impacted me I had to share it at intercession. We only had a handful of people at intercession at the time (including Scott and Kaili Bailey)

Lord, help me to communicate the rest of what is on my heart! I want to share something with you from my journal during my birthday. I hope to communicate a little more of what is happening in me at the moment, of which everyone is eager to know. After all, my friends, It's the heart that God is really interested in.
My heart is unmoved by finances
I have committed all things to Him
My heart is being renewed day by day,
according to the desire of God who called me.
I could care less about going on some trip for God, the real thing that moves me is when I can reach out to people. My heart quivers to say this, but if God has something for me, it's not like I can do anything about it. My motivation comes from wanting to please Him, if He has a journey for me to go on, one that I do not simply want to go on because it is a trip that I get to participate in (even one that is a promotion) I want to prove to people that I'm not just going on a trip. I also want to prove to Him my love is stronger than my desire for candy or birthday presents. I have learnt that the heart cannot be divided, it cannot be going after one thing or another, it has to be undivided (which is a funny word - given the implication is the heart is divided) Whether or not I cry is somewhat irrelevant in this, but it's what my heart is really wrestling with - that is what I hope to communicate. The brilliant part is, Jesus says "Your heart is undivided" - even when you want to be in one place, or you want to do something for someone - your heart is undivided. It is undivided - in Him.

This is where a simple transaction on Trade me can explode and eternity can break out on earth. This is where a computer that I have received can be so much more than just a cool gift as a birthday present. It can become a sign and a wonder, a sign and wonder that God uses to really speak something very important.
While I was in the prayer room on Tuesday the 27th of April, some girls came in, including Kathy with her computer. The whole event made me think of how God had miraculously given a computer to my friend Davaun. So I shared of how I had found a computer in the freebox and came to bed at night with a dream - in which Davaun and I were working on my computer. Through this all, I was praying everyday God would repair the computer. Since I would meet Davaun in Israel, I brought the computer along with me, where I found out that Davaun also had a problem with her computer - it would not work unplugged. We prayed for our computers and said "God is going to give us new ones" (This included Nelson) I heard back later from Davaun that she had received a computer. Then I shared with the people in the prayer room "I have not yet received my computer" This is when my mum sent me a text asking me to check trade me and see if this computer was the one I needed. I hadn't thought about the computer for weeks honestly! I looked at it and said "This is the one!" (actually my heart was racing, I wanted to tell everyone) I just want to say, this alone is enough for me - that God would remember my prayers and answer them. I said "this is the one!" and this is mine - Because I want a computer. This can sound silly on the outside. On the weekend we won the auction, and would receive it during the week. This is a sign and a wonder! Don't you agree? It's not about my reading into a situation, it's far bigger than that! Why? because if God is in charge of the bigger things, He is in charge of the smaller things too, right? So I have to say this is a sign and a wonder from God - He is in charge of everything.

During my birthday God proclaimed freedom over me! I can't even call it a gift, because a GIFT is received. But I am FREE! The funny thing is, I think that it would be just the most boring thing ever if I told you. I want to demonstrate it to You. After work duties a song came together, called Freedom Song. I would like you to listen to it! This is an outworking of an inner change.

Freedom Song
here is the rapidshare link