I have been reminded of several things recently. One is a scripture in Isaiah 56:5 which says:
"Even to them I will give in My house
And within My walls a place and a name
Better than that of sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name
That shall not be cut off."
I have a testimony to share regarding a podcast I watched on Thursday the 22nd of July, 2010. The podcast is from the Fascinate II conference at IHOP. I am not sure at what time the conference finished, but they were streaming live sessions from their website while the conference was on.
The reason I am sharing is because while weeding today God highlighted that same event and how significant it is. A week before hand (15th July 2010) i had been aroused to wake up and start writing in my journal. I wrote out and said "I am stirred to give all my energy and time to next week as the last time it happened there was an explosion" This testimony is also in addition to a testimony that keeps on going which started on Thursday too, the thought occured to me that God was blessing me with a double portion on that day, as up until that time I had not thought to use the computers and found myself wanting to go and check my mail, and then ended up watching this session from the Fascinate II conference.
There was a lot of prayer going out for media. For a time they didn't think they would take an offering (which was the purpose of that session) however it did happen but not without a lengthy time praying for people that have addictions to Finances and Media. Yes, i mention finances too because there is a connection between the two. Praying unrelenting for people that have addictions to media and finances. They gave the plea 3 times, and by the third time were pinpointing intricate details: I also mention that God is more unrelenting than people are. He loves people that's why he has to be jealous for people, He will not settle for half-hearted devotion, he must have all of a person. So by this time I knew that I had to stand up because one of the things they pinpointed I was doing.
It's all flooding back to me right now. Things like, but not limited to: addiction to facebook, texting, cell phones, computer games, you say that you can give up but you keep on coming back to it, twitter, it's not okay, you are very isolated and the reason you spend so much time doing it is because you really don't believe any one will like you, and it's trying to fill a hole but it won't fill it. You live in isolation. You actually have a deep belief that no one likes you. and that if you were your self around people they would reject you. It's not OKAY. you laugh about it but it's deadly serious - I have had things redeemed but if you do things for your self then that isn't alright. It means that you have an issue with trust and will not step out. In the end it will cripple you. I had to wait for God to redeem what things that I can do - while I use it for myself I don't actually feel myself - it desensitizes me. That's the reason that you like it.
SO I stood up, he encouraged us to stand up and as they were praying I was standing up and speaking out with my mouth - i wasn't muttering to myself - That I would make a stand for righteousness and truth and holiness - people around me need that - they don't need you to agree with them - they need you to say that what they do is the wrong way and for you to be a testimony to them that the way you live is the right way to live - They are only going to be with you for a season and then they are going to leave - then you may not see them again forever.
So after that I wanted desperately to share with atleast someone - actually in a way I had to convince myself I had to do this - it was a bit funny - And I shared it with someone - "I just made a stand and I am different from now on - i'm not going to be the same - and whatever you have known of me isn't important you have to know me now" And the next few days were horrendous because the enemy was having a field day with my emotions - which God delivered me from eventually - the enemy has nothing on me - The reason i say all this is because this afternoon I realized - God gave me eyes to see. That I will confidently tell people the truth and not back down from it and in all honesty and love. This is what I've been doing the last few days! What an amazing testimony! As i said, this testimony keeps on going. It really is amazing. That I was watching a video on the internet and it carried an anointing - things drop off people even as I talk with them - that now you can run ahead with everything - because God has set you free from it - believe that - it's happened you don't need to work at it anymore. God has set you free! He's set you free from that whatever it was that was crippling you! It's not there any more, believe it! And you are free to do what God has asked you to do, there will be no hindrances now! Believe it! It really is amazing that it was on the internet and it carried an anointing, an anointing that I've been asking for - infact it's already here. But this is what I want - what I mean by that is to press in more to His presence because you can have His presence intensified even more - You can know Him even more - you can love him even more - and there ain't nothing that can keep you from that! It's what revival is! Asking for what you already have! Do you understand? the reason he gives it to you is because you ask - it's not that you don't have it, it's because you want to share it with everyone - and right now you can ask for more of it - so even more people can carry it and then it spreads - believe it! that's how it works!
Give Glory to God for what His hand has pre-purposed before hand. Find reasons to praise Him! Tell people of what He's done! Because you want more of Him! Go deeper into Him because He is better than the gift He gives. He loves you, He wants to know you, He has plans for you, He gives freeely, abundantly, pardons sin, forgives iniquity, there ain't nothing between you and Him, so find out what pleases Him. You have a life in God - that means there is more and more and more to be had when you realize that all of your life you can find God in - every part. That is a good promise. I had to share this i couldn't keep quiet
P.S: While sharing with someone I remembered another thing. While I was excited about sharing with others I had a picture of everyone coming and rejoicing with me and accepting me. This is significant because it completes what happens with bringing people together.
2. While weeding I was provoked by God. He was asking me "So you can do it, and you have to do it. So what are you going to do?" (by saying you have to do it i'm not implying he doesn't give you the choice, but that is what provoking does) And a sinking feeling came into my soul when I realized what I said to Him, which was: "I'm not going to shrink back from saying what I know and believe to be from God to anyone" this is that bittersweet feeling of knowing that everything has changed.
Yay, Nathan! Thanks for this, bro.