Wednesday, 28 July 2010

A testimony that keeps on going

I have been reminded of several things recently. One is a scripture in Isaiah 56:5 which says:

"Even to them I will give in My house
And within My walls a place and a name
Better than that of sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name
That shall not be cut off."

I have a testimony to share regarding a podcast I watched on Thursday the 22nd of July, 2010. The podcast is from the Fascinate II conference at IHOP. I am not sure at what time the conference finished, but they were streaming live sessions from their website while the conference was on.

Monday, 12 July 2010


While i was in Tauranga - back up a few steps. I believe you have an anointing for your calling and an anointing for your personal relationship with the Lord. I will not develop a theology on that. While I was in Tauranga I received a Moses anointing - when my hands are raised, then there is battle being fought, and victory is coming to our side. But when my hands are lowered, then we have trouble. God himself is the one who battles for us - this is important. Anyway... I received two pictures during my prayer time for someone. One of them was of an empty casket - i knew that both of the pictures where for this person. Then when I came to Church yesterday when the talk progressed to talking about "building coffins - a new experience for us"