taking into consideration.
"considering the circumstances, Simon was remarkably phlegmatic"
synonyms: bearing in mind, taking into consideration, taking into account, making allowance(s) for, giving consideration to, keeping in mind, in view of, in the light of
"considering his size he showed an astonishing turn of speed"
I've been thinking about thankfulness today since having heard a sermon from our pastor about thankfulness being the root from which we can rejoice, and overcome.
God is a shepherd to us, leading us like a shepherd leads His sheep. I think this makes an important distinction. Our walk in this life is not one of willing against what has been given to us, but it's dependence. Not only do we rejoice in His leading, we are lead into green pastures, from where we can be comforted, restored and made whole. In this light, to consider is to be able to realistically look back over the past (wants and needs) and prepare for the future. To consider is to really to put yourself in the place of weakness, in trusting in God and trusting others, who will understand your needs and wants. that God satisfies, that is the whole point, and joy is the instrument by which He will care for us.
As we consider what next year has for us, I ask that you would know that I'm better for this past year. I think that is the first place. The second is to know where my hope comes from (not just my hope, but my passion and pursuit) Some see dependence as a weakness, i do too! but that's where we differ. having been through painful circumstances, and desperate times, my only support is in the one who can make me whole, that can shed light into my circumstances, that brings me through and enables me to be fulfilled. That is why my outlook on life has changed, that of willful resistance, to abandonment and contentment.
May you have a blessed new year as you trust in God.
"I set my heart on a pilgrimage.
I will go through the valley of weepings
from there shall they be turned into springs.
They go from strength to strength
Until they appear before God in Zion"
There is a silver lining to any that trust in Him
since there is abundant hope through every recourse of life
I don't say this as someone that has it together,
but someone that has nothing
and having everything been stripped away,
i'm dependent on Him for my daily bread.
What other way could he have lead me?
What other purpose could there be to His testing and trying?
To the soul that loves Him that all their needs are met in Him
truly He is most completed in,
for desperation is a result of choosing Him
This is why He comes like billows and waves
and why His breakers crash over us
What an affirmation, and worthy of all that we are, because we depend on Him, really make it possible for us to receive all that He would give to us.