For why I have given this book, free of charge, read on. I have put this at the beginning of the book for any that want to be reminded of it.
Why I have given this book free of charge
When I started writing this book, it became clear, that I was doing it for many reasons, but chiefly one that I whole-heartedly and embrace, which is to show others what Jesus is doing in the nations, and chiefly, the nation of Israel, His people. I was able, by grace, to "live there" for 2 weeks during a graduation for the Around the World in 80 Days School, run out of YWAM Oxford. Man I love those people!
It was also clear that I would be offering it to people that were themselves missionaries, and also, to anyone else that embraces the call to supporting those that are sowing their lives in the nations of the world. You don't need a call for this, but I've noticed that He places importance on Sowing seed (that is, investing) in others lives, for the sake of the gospel going forth. I think if we undermine this, we also cut ourselves off from what God is doing.
It became clear that God himself was my chief investor. He is the one, that knowing my financial responsibilities in the past, has paved the way for me to sow my own life into the field of His word and watch it grow and bloom. He has watched me take to the nations in an effort to be that word that would produce much growth, He has endeavoured to show me, through my own life and calling, that He's chosen me. This is all to say, that I could not do this outside of Him. What if He were to use my life to impact people in other places? would He use the same model? The answer to that question, I have to share with you the testimony that I have regarding Financial Support and how I've been able to do what He's called me to - as shown in the book, being one that announces and prepares others to follow Jesus in the great tribulation - the "Day of the LORD" and the "day of vengeance of our God"
It all started, I guess in a round about way when I became a child of Him. He gave me a dream that I would be ministering to others in the power of the Spirit and that it would be a source of encouragement to others that God could do what He had promised. It also lead me to understand the relationship with Israel. At the time, it was simply enough to assure me that Abraham was the Father of Israel - the same people that are in the earth today.
Then I came to YWAM. I was able, through financial support to raise enough money for the lecture phase. This is a grace in itself. It came through being graciously confronted by the way I was living my life. The bible says that "turning to other gods is harlotry, adultery from God" I did not see the connection between this and my life, but for some reason was surrounded by people that believed the same thing - not that they had sex with people but that they were open to it. I mean doesn't it say that "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil"? do you need to make money to be capable of all kinds of evil?
Then God started to intervene, He gave me love in my heart and a desire to know Him. I started to want to give my heart to Him. I started to understand what purity means, and what purity of heart looks like, I began to be overcome by love for Him because of His love for me! This was chiefly in the instance of obedience and watching God do stuff in my finances. I remember thinking about what was happening to me and why. I believe this is the answer. What else would be? I later understood the connection between finances and giving my heart to Him. It is an issue with giving Him everything. Some would say that wisdom doesn't sound right. But I've become so infected by God that I couldn't think any other way. It's just like he said during my DTS, that if I allowed Him to intervene into my circumstances, He would come through. He would heal my past, give me hope for the future, and remind me of the present. He would give me the assurance that He could not keep silent, that He could not look away, that He would intervene (Luke 18:1-6)
It is for that reason that I gave Him everything. I even gave my computer to my brother, because I knew He needed it. I did this because of love for Him, and because I had everything that I need. I just wanted to get to know Him better.
Is this starting to make sense?
I want to give it away free of charge, because the God that I know gives Himself away free of charge! I want to give it away free of charge in the full assurance that such a thing embodies all that I am in being able to whole-heartedly give myself to Him. It is the evidence of which that promises me that He will continue to intervene in my affairs. It is the reality that if a person were to be able to say to me "I made you rich" then it would mean nothing to me. It is that full assurance that I, being the bride of His heart, have made Him my refuge and provision and supply. It is what results in glory being given to God, for anyone that hears the story.
All the more, it is all to God's glory that I live, it is surely capable of giving glory to Him, because I know Him, because I understand Him, and I delight in Him. it is only a reflection of the delight that He has for me in His heart, for choosing to give my heart in whole and abandoned to Him. That way, I can do this wherever I am, but it strikes me that I could not be kept here, because of the way in which He's lead me. It's not an issue with getting permission, it is about listening to Him, and letting His word move my heart.
There are so many other experiences that I've had, experiences where God provided, but I will leave that in the annals of history. There are so many more things I could say, but I believe that I've said what I needed to. It strikes me, that some would say "but you don't have much money anyway - why are you giving away free of charge" - and why are you giving the proceeds to others? are you mad? it is for those people that I write this defence. If you want, head to the third appendices, which is a story about how this all connects with my future. I'm endeavouring to communicate what God has done so that He can get all the glory.