Saturday, 19 July 2014

Sound the Trumpet in Zion

It is available, here!

For why I have given this book, free of charge, read on. I have put this at the beginning of the book for any that want to be reminded of it.

Why I have given this book free of charge

When I started writing this book, it became clear, that I was doing it for many reasons, but chiefly one that I whole-heartedly and embrace, which is to show others what Jesus is doing in the nations, and chiefly, the nation of Israel, His people. I was able, by grace, to "live there" for 2 weeks during a graduation for the Around the World in 80 Days School, run out of YWAM Oxford. Man I love those people!

It was also clear that I would be offering it to people that were themselves missionaries, and also, to anyone else that embraces the call to supporting those that are sowing their lives in the nations of the world. You don't need a call for this, but I've noticed that He places importance on Sowing seed (that is, investing) in others lives, for the sake of the gospel going forth. I think if we undermine this, we also cut ourselves off from what God is doing.

It became clear that God himself was my chief investor. He is the one, that knowing my financial responsibilities in the past, has paved the way for me to sow my own life into the field of His word and watch it grow and bloom. He has watched me take to the nations in an effort to be that word that would produce much growth, He has endeavoured to show me, through my own life and calling, that He's chosen me. This is all to say, that I could not do this outside of Him. What if He were to use my life to impact people in other places? would He use the same model? The answer to that question, I have to share with you the testimony that I have regarding Financial Support and how I've been able to do what He's called me to - as shown in the book, being one that announces and prepares others to follow Jesus in the great tribulation - the "Day of the LORD" and the "day of vengeance of our God"

It all started, I guess in a round about way when I became a child of Him. He gave me a dream that I would be ministering to others in the power of the Spirit and that it would be a source of encouragement to others that God could do what He had promised. It also lead me to understand the relationship with Israel. At the time, it was simply enough to assure me that Abraham was the Father of Israel - the same people that are in the earth today.

Then I came to YWAM. I was able, through financial support to raise enough money for the lecture phase. This is a grace in itself. It came through being graciously confronted by the way I was living my life. The bible says that "turning to other gods is harlotry, adultery from God" I did not see the connection between this and my life, but for some reason was surrounded by people that believed the same thing - not that they had sex with people but that they were open to it.  I mean doesn't it say that "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil"? do you need to make money to be capable of all kinds of evil?

Then God started to intervene, He gave me love in my heart and a desire to know Him. I started to want to give my heart to Him. I started to understand what purity means, and what purity of heart looks like, I began to be overcome by love for Him because of His love for me! This was chiefly in the instance of obedience and watching God do stuff in my finances. I remember thinking about what was happening to me and why. I believe this is the answer. What else would be? I later understood the connection between finances and giving my heart to Him. It is an issue with giving Him everything. Some would say that wisdom doesn't sound right. But I've become so infected by God that I couldn't think any other way. It's just like he said during my DTS, that if I allowed Him to intervene into my circumstances, He would come through. He would heal my past, give me hope for the future, and remind me of the present. He would give me the assurance that He could not keep silent, that He could not look away, that He would intervene (Luke 18:1-6)

It is for that reason that I gave Him everything. I even gave my computer to my brother, because I knew He needed it. I did this because of love for Him, and because I had everything that I need. I just wanted to get to know Him better.

Is this starting to make sense?

I want to give it away free of charge, because the God that I know gives Himself away free of charge! I want to give it away free of charge in the full assurance that such a thing embodies all that I am in being able to whole-heartedly give myself to Him. It is the evidence of which that promises me that He will continue to intervene in my affairs. It is the reality that if a person were to be able to say to me "I made you rich" then it would mean nothing to me. It is that full assurance that I, being the bride of His heart, have made Him my refuge and provision and supply. It is what results in glory being given to God, for anyone that hears the story.

All the more, it is all to God's glory that I live, it is surely capable of giving glory to Him, because I know Him, because I understand Him, and I delight in Him. it is only a reflection of the delight that He has for me in His heart, for choosing to give my heart in whole and abandoned to Him. That way, I can do this wherever I am, but it strikes me that I could not be kept here, because of the way in which He's lead me. It's not an issue with getting permission, it is about listening to Him, and letting His word move my heart.

There are so many other experiences that I've had, experiences where God provided, but I will leave that in the annals of history. There are so many more things I could say, but I believe that I've said what I needed to. It strikes me, that some would say "but you don't have much money anyway - why are you giving away free of charge" - and why are you giving the proceeds to others? are you mad? it is for those people that I write this defence. If you want, head to the third appendices, which is a story about how this all connects with my future. I'm endeavouring to communicate what God has done so that He can get all the glory.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Movie Review: Transformers: Age of Extinction

Transformers: Age of Extinction
by Michael Bay

Starring: Michael Walberg, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor, Kelsey Grammar, Stanley Tucci

Upon thinking about the movie I happened upon the phrase "Just pretend this dead lion is a human baby and you won't be so upset" read that article here

More about that later.

I want to thank John Piper for His literary style and will endeavour to write this review from the stand point of purity, and being fascinated by Jesus.
I will give a run down of the film for any wanting to see followed by a plot summary and then an in-depth review.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Introduction and Why I am Here


Sound the Trumpet in Zion

A story of Israel and the heart of the Gospel

By Nathan Sinclair


Do you know the time in which we live? We are living in the fulfilment of promises towards Israel that have gone unanswered for over 2000 years. Let me quote from the book of Joel:
Blow the Trumpet in Zion
and Sound an Alarm in My holy Mountain
Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble;
For the day of the Lord is coming
For it is at hand
A day of darkness and gloominess
A day of clouds and thick darkness
Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains
A people come, great and strong,
The like of whom has never been;
Nor will there ever be any such after them
Even for many successive generations
The reason that I am writing this book is two-fold.
1.     to share the experience that I have with you, of being in the Land of Israel
2.     to think more about his people who are being gathered from the ends of the earth.
God gave me a vision of a split trumpet, that was about to be made whole. As the trumpet was made whole, a trumpet blast was sounded. The trumpet is the coming together of God’s purposes concerning Israel in the earth today
How will this be done? I want to raise up 300 men and women who will be faithful to take this message of Israel to the nations. The challenge that I leave with you is this:  Jesus is the only one who can bring peace to the middle east. How will you respond to His call to make your life at peace with His agenda? How will you partner with Him? He asks us to partner with Him in the fulfilment of these things. (Matthew 6:6)
I am writing this book to share with you what is placed on my heart and to encourage you to respond in a way that is faithful to what is shared.
Where did it all begin, my love for Israel?
While on the bus travelling to Oxford YWAM, I heard a voice say to me “Where will you be going?”
After a few guesses, I realized God was saying to me, “You will meet someone, who will ask you, ‘where are you going to’” to which you will reply, Oxford, and they will say “So am I” The reason this was a big deal was because I had not shared in this with God until I came on the bus.
Well I was on the road, waiting for someone to pick me up. I heard another phrase “I see you there” – This is something that I knew because in Song of Songs it says:
“Let me see Your face,
Let me hear your voice”
This made me realize God was saying to me “I want you to be with me where I am”
This is how I began my journey to go to Israel.
There is also another motive for writing this book. While at a friend’s place in Tauranga, I shared the story of how I had come up on a truck in a day, and the people I shared this with said “You should write a book about it” – the events that have been led of God to be put it into a book form, so that others can read them and know the good things God does, and this is what I am doing here.
I am sure that the Prophets of old were struck by the terribleness and very greatness of what they were proclaiming. I take this with a grain of salt in a way, because my chief and only concern comes from being the one who directs others to share what has been going on for them in their hearts.  I am considered a prophet.  That very thing is not in question, because He spoke once to me that I needed a foundation from which to base my ministry off. I need not go back on words, and reject what God was doing in me. I have also learned to be wise with my words, and it has caused me to be the admiration of certain people, that recognize what God is doing in me.
For those that are lost, I make it simple for you, you will find that my words are prophetic because I’m a prophet. God has confirmed on more than one occasion that I’m to speak and prepare others for Jesus. This is the role of the prophet in our day. I will make this clear through the rest of the book.
This is why I know in a way what I speak about and write about has a prophetic detail to it, and that my being chosen for this has nothing to do with qualifications. I remember the first time I understood that what God had called me for was a unique and special calling. My calling is none other than preparing the way for Jesus.
This is why I open myself humbly to you, to let me know if what has been spoken is right, or am I off mark when I share what is on my heart.
For more, let us resume our experience of Israel now.

Why I am Here
Philippians 3:7-11
While being shown around the land of Israel, it was having it’s effect on me. Not only were the sights good (I actually did not come here to be a sight-seeing tourist, but to be transformed in my heart)
An idea floated around my mind that maybe (just maybe) I would apply to staff an AW80 school with my good friend Julie-anna.
This is why on a particular night I sat down to an audience of Jeremy, Julie-anna and Joseph. This would set the trajectory for changes that I had little understanding of - it was later revealed by my good friend Joseph, that 9 months was the length it took to be pregnant.
In fact, I had shared the story that I was coming to Israel because God was betrothing me (just like it says in the word) I will talk about this more, later.
So it wasn’t too out of the idea that it could be 9 months until I had a child (going with the analogy)
All these feelings of love, and weddings, made me excited. I want to share a little of the conversation that I had with these esteemed colleagues of mine. I wanted to share in the sufferings of Christ. To which they replied, I do not think that is such a good idea.
To which I thought to myself, “it’s because I want to know Christ – to be filled with life” – I want to know Him intimately. Just like it says in the verses:
Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ, and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if by any means I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
In saying this, the realities that are talked about in Paul’s heart and mind were having an effect on me.  It is the same idea as being satisfied in Him alone, because Paul begins by saying “to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Php 1:21)
If only those that I was conversing with had understood what I was asking. But I also think that what was being asked I didn’t quite know either. For I don’t need to say much to realise that I have not the tenacity of my faith to regard Christ as having been more to me than life. But I did know at least that the request that I was asking was that I wanted to be filled with life – I want to be faithful to the same realities that make me want to give my heart and mind wholly to Him. To which I reply, Christ has performed that which I am ultimately wanting, by showing me a love that comes from the Father.
Let me say that this began to take hold of me like nothing else could.  What I mean is, that my own journey has been leading up to the communication of that good news which eclipses Paul and which is what I want to eclipse me too. This eclipsing of all that I have is not only what my friends are concerned with, but also the domain of God who is in charge of this very thing – the knowledge of his sufferings. This is what is happening to me.
You see it is about loving God, just like the first and greatest commandment, which is to Love Him with all our heart and mind and soul and strength.
This is what I was experiencing in some measure as I walked around Israel. This will open up and show what things God is after in just a while, being content and happy that He could be all that I wanted to be. But I was not able to comprehend what was taking place for me.
For a moment, I will go back to an event in my past.
I am talking about the night that I came to realize the heart of God for evangelism. I was typing up an email about financial support, when all of a sudden, I had to go and talk to someone about finding God in this eventuality. That was because I was overcome by my own desire to give God everything, He could possibly be showing me that I needed to put Him first in everything, including my financial support. God wants to be first in everything in our lives. This is why I want to place Him first, and in placing Him first, my desire is solely on sharing with my friends and family what God has done. This has eventualities that are not limited to just evangelism but everything in life.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014


I haven't given too much thought to it, but I'm on the wave of what I believe to be a needed service to the Body of Christ. Actually, it comes off from unique circumstances. I heard from the Father recently that if it was the thing that you wanted, and indeed, gives you so much joy, what are you doing being apprehensive and torn? indeed, doubting that it needs to be said. That seems like an adequate title to what I've observed and now are walking the steps of. I think it will come. The people just need to show up and I need to put more confidence in my own heart. Please pray for me that I would be able to share my heart authentically and that it would come through in what I'm endeavouring to accomplish. Hopefully this will result in all the tribes of the earth giving love and worship to the King of Kings and we would see global revival on the earth, and that each culture would be transformed by the values and love of the Kingdom of Heaven (it is a Kingdom of Love afterall) chiefly in "The Holy One of Israel as our Redeemer, and the endorsement of love that He gave to the Israelites in (Exodus 3:14-17) over all the earth" (Isaiah 54:5)
Look and find updates to my bio page, and a new page called "Books" more to come soon.