Wednesday, 28 January 2009

i set up a photo gallery

hi there

i set up a photo gallery at this URL: you can get to it by clicking the link below:

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Internet chat

I was thinking about internet relationships.

Lets think about it for a second. There's alot of things i don't like about internet relationships. Well that word. technically it's not a relationship. I'm just one-tracked at the moment.

Here's some things i don't like about them.

1. You're not there with the person.
2. It takes way longer to type what you want to say than if you were saying it out loud
3. You don't know what the other person is like on the other end
4. Because i am one-tracked i loose the plot alot of the time. Forget what i'm talking about

So if you have someone you're talking to on the internet keep those things in mind. You don't know what could happen.